Responsibility Centre Management (RCM) College-Wide Steering Committee Confirmed

President’s Council selected among fifty volunteers from academic and non-academic departments to establish a Steering Committee membership with representation from each area of the College as well as a good cross-section of administrative levels.

The Steering Committee will meet biweekly over the next two years.
Over the course of the RCM project, there will be opportunities for you to share your voice, and we sincerely hope that you will contribute your ideas and suggestions.

Steering Committee Membership


  • Claude Brulé, Vice President Academic Services
  • Duane McNair, Vice President Finance & Administration


  • Larry Woods, Associate Vice President Academic Services
  • Doug Ouderkirk, Executive Director, Academic Operations & Planning
  • Cathy Dempsey, Director, Finance and Administrative Services
  • Elizabeth (Liz) Smid, Compensation & Budget Officer, Human Resources
  • Emily Woods, Manager, Business Systems, Physical Resources
  • Angela Clermont, Senior Manager, ITS
  • Sara Jordan, Disability Counsellor, Student Support Services
  • Lynn Schumann, Associate Registrar, Registrar’s Office
  • Shawn McBride, Professor, Computer Systems Technician Program and
    Bachelor of IT
  • Chris Janzen, Dean, Faculty of Technology & Trades
  • Peter Fortura, Acting Dean, School of Business
  • Denis Lefebvre, Business Administrator, Faculty of Health, Public Safety & Community Studies
  • Cristy Richards, Supervisor, Academic Operations & Planning
  • Julie Viau, Apprenticeship & Budget Officer, Center for Construction Excellence
  • Anne Kalil, Manager, Student Recruitment
  • Diane Banks, Marketing Officer, Faculty of Media, Arts & Design
  • Maria Belanger, Coordinator, School of Business

Resource Persons:

  • Sandy Finnigan, RCM Project Manager
  • Rebecca Volk, Training Resources (HR)
  • Executive Director, Advancement (or designate), Communications
  • Others as required


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