Your R3 Project Business Process Walkthrough Event Invite

Your R3 Project Business Process Walkthrough Event Invite

The R3 Project presents the opportunity to rethink and redesign many of the College’s business processes to improve employee satisfaction as well as student success and satisfaction.

On the R3 Project, Working Groups support the R3 Implementation Committee by reviewing business processes and recommending changes. While initial consultations are undertaken by the Working Groups, the last step in developing new processes is to share them with the AC Community.

With that, you are invited to attend the first Business Process Walkthrough where you’ll see three business processes that will eventually be configured into the new Student Information System, Thesis SM (Student Management).

The purpose of the “Business Process Walkthroughs” is to share draft business processes with the AC community, answer questions, and identify any issues before processes are finalized.

Event Details:

Business Process Walkthrough Event
Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022
10:00-11:00 a.m.

We will be reviewing the following three business processes:

  1. Create/Update a Person
  2. Legal Name Change or Correction
  3. Update a Person’s Preferred Name

Some FAQs:

How do I know if this is for me? This Business Process Walkthrough Event will showcase three business processes that may be relevant for the Core SIS (Student Information System) Users. However, anyone from the College community is welcome to attend! Some processes only impact a small group of people; those processes will be shared in the future in a smaller forum.

Will there be a demo of the new software? A Business Process Walkthrough is not a software demonstration. Once processes are finalized, they are configured into the new Student Information System. But don’t worry; you’ll have a chance later, through training, to see how the processes are performed in the software.

What if I can’t make the event? If you’re unable to attend, the session will be recorded and posted on the R3 Project website.


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