What it means to “configure” the new Student Information System, Thesis SM

AC R3 Project

The R3 Project is in the Design and Develop/Personalize Phase. Not only are we designing our business processes during this phase, but we’re also making hundreds of configuration decisions.

To configure the Thesis SM software means adding to or changing current details within the SIS software to tailor it to Algonquin College needs.

Sounds complicated, right?! Let’s break it down using an analogy.

If you’ve ever been through the process of building a new home, you know what it means to “configure” something to your needs and wants. Throughout the building process, the builder provides you with the blueprints to the home. These blueprints won’t change, but all the details still need to get sorted out. What kitchen lights will you choose? What about the doors? Would you like heated floors in the bathroom (yes, please!)? And the list goes on and on.

Much like a new home, Thesis SM comes with its own blueprint. Now, we need to make hundreds of decisions to make the SIS our own.

With the support of our in-house AC employee expertise in the Working Groups, hundreds of configurations have already been completed in the new SIS. For instance, we had to change the list of credentials a learner can earn at Algonquin College. Thesis SM comes built with options that don’t align with our offerings. So, we’ve configured Thesis SM to reflect what we offer at Algonquin. Some examples include the Ontario College Diploma, Ontario College Advanced Diploma and Ontario College Graduate Certificate.

The Design and Develop Phase is set to run until Fall 2023. During this time, the Working Groups and R3 Team will continue to identify what needs to be configured in Thesis SM in order to make our new house, a home.


If you’re wondering where you can find more information about the Project, then the R3 Project FAQ and Glossary sections are great resources.


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