Want to get a tour of the new SIS?

Thesis SM Dashboard

One of the three key purposes of the R3 Project is to implement a new Student Information System (SIS). Our current SIS, GeneSIS, has served us well for the past 25 years, but it’s time to introduce a new SIS that meets our technological requirements and aligns more with student needs. This is where Thesis Student Management (or Thesis SM) comes in!

Algonquin College has acquired Thesis SM—a cloud-based platform built on modern technology—from Thesis, a company which specializes in providing technical solutions to universities and colleges around the world.

Now, what does this new SIS look like? During our July 19 Showcase Event, Charmaine Childs, Change Management Officer with the R3 Project, provided an introductory tour of Thesis SM, which included settings and look ups.

Something to keep in mind: we currently only have access to a demo environment of the new SIS. The current version of Thesis SM is what we use to learn and try ideas, so it won’t be our finalized Algonquin College system. Don’t be surprised if you see some things that might not make sense in our context.


If you’re wondering where you can find more information about the Project, then the R3 Project FAQ and Glossary sections are great resources!

Additionally, don’t miss our next R3 Showcase Event to receive important updates and learn more about the R3 Project. We’ll also be happy to answer any questions that you might have.

The next R3 Showcase is set for Thursday, Sept. 29 at 10 a.m.


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