User Experience at Forefront of R3 Website Redesign

R3. Rethink. Redesign. Reimagine.

The website refresh came after the R3 Project Communications, Change Management and Training (CCMT) team consulted with stakeholders, including representatives from across 25 departments and faculties.

“In the spirit of continuous improvement, we’re always working to ensure we meet the needs of our college community,” says R3 Project Executive Sponsor and Vice President of Student Services, Laura Stanbra. “As we progress through the Project phases, it’s so important that our employees continue to have a place where they can easily access R3 Project information and updates, and I’m thrilled we’ve re-created a space that does just that.”

The website refresh highlights R3 Project information including a glossary of project-related terms and an FAQ page, as well as a News and Event section. Through the website, College employees will be able to register for the popular Showcase Events.

“We’ve categorized the website content to make it easy to navigate,” says Cathy McNally, Engagement and Communications Manager with the R3 Project. “And, as we progress through the project phases, we’ll alter the content to continue to meet the needs of our employees through this transition.”

Utilizing Algonquin College’s WordPress platform, the refreshed website adopted the AC branding guidelines, mirroring the College’s look and feel. It is also AODA compliant. The R3 Project will continue to use its SharePoint site for training opportunities.

“When the time comes, we’ll be sharing future training opportunities via our website, and ensuring our college community remains connected and aware of these transitions well ahead of time,” says eLearning and Development Manager, Rob Kershaw.


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