The R3 Project Steering Committee: Who is involved and why does it matter?

Leadership, governance and experience: these are all traits that are needed within a Steering Committee roster. And as the name suggests, a Steering Committee helps steer a project from start to finish—which is exactly what we have with the R3 Project’s Steering Committee.

The R3 Steering Committee is made up of representatives who govern the R3 Project and provide direction. They’re also the bridge between the R3 Project team and the College’s governance to ensure the Project remains connected to its five main objectives and aligns with the College’s strategic vision.

The R3 Project Steering Committee works under the Board of Governors, the Algonquin College Executive Team (ACET), and the Algonquin College Leadership Team (ACLT). They also communicate with the R3 Project Implementation Committee, who work closely with our College’s Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and R3 Project team.

This governance structure ensures that the R3 Project continues to remain aligned with the College’s strategic vision, and the Steering Committee provides the guidance and insight that will connect the Project to the College’s vision.

So, what does the Steering Committee do?

The role of a Steering Committee is to provide advice and ensure that the project achieves its outcomes. This could include things like providing input to the development of the project, providing advice on the budget, defining and helping to achieve the project outcomes, identifying priorities and potential risks, monitoring timelines, and more.

In order to achieve all of this, the Steering Committee attends meetings on a regular basis to report on the progress of the Project and answer any questions that the members might have. The Project Manager also attends these meetings, and it’s common to have an additional person—usually an administrative staff member—attend these meetings for support.

Since 2019, the Steering Committee meets regularly to make decisions, outline what needs to be done and provide progress reports on any actions taken.

Who is on the R3 Project Steering Committee?

Here is a list of our current R3 Steering Committee membership (2021-2022):

  • Laura Stanbra, Executive Sponsor
  • Christopher Janzen, Executive Representative
  • Eric Marois, Academic Representative
  • James Pede, Finance Representative
  • Saif Terai, Academic Faculty Representative (Local 415)
  • Ellen Gallant, Support Staff Representative (Local 416)
  • Lois Pollock, Business Co-Lead
  • Krista Pearson, Business Co-Lead
  • Sam Wong, Senior Project Manager

Support Resources:

  • Emily Jarl, R3 Project Administrator
  • Laura Williams, R3 Project Manager, CCMT

Each of these members play a vital role in the R3 Project, and they offer their expertise, insight and any additional support. You can find a list of all the Project Groups.

The Committee membership list remains the same for 2022-2023.


If you’re wondering where you can find more information about the Project, then the R3 Project FAQ and Glossary sections are great resources!

Additionally, don’t miss our next R3 Showcase Event to receive important updates and learn more about the R3 Project. We’ll also be happy to answer any questions that you might have.

The next R3 Showcase is set for Thursday, Sept. 29 at 10 a.m.


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