Student Information System Users: Which one are you?

People Working with Laptops

As an Algonquin College employee, you’ll be gradually transitioning to the new Student Information System (SIS), Thesis Student Management (Thesis SM). Once you start to learn about the new SIS, you might ask yourself: What parts of the new SIS are relevant to me? How will I be trained? When do I get access?

Well… it depends.

To help answer these questions, we’ve identified two types of SIS users: Core and General.

We’re going to highlight the differences between the two users and help you answer the question: Which one am I? These two user group definitions will help you get clarity on your future role using the new SIS.

Who are Core Users and what do they do?

Core Users are individuals using the SIS who:

  • Learn and perform complex Business Processes (e.g., Standard Workload Formula, Student Finance)
  • Create new data (e.g., courses)
  • Create new reports

Some example Core Users include those working in:

  • The Registrar’s Office
  • Financial Aid and Student Awards
  • Information Technology Services (ITS)

There are about 200 Core Users at Algonquin College.

Who are General Users and what do they do?

General Users are individuals using the SIS who:

  • Perform specific tasks (e.g., grade review and approval, move a student to a new course section)
  • Look up student information to assist or advise students
  • Review reports crafted by others (e.g., Degree/Credential audit)

Some example General Users include those working as:

  • Recruitment Officers
  • Program Coordinators
  • Student Success Specialists

There are up to 900 General Users at Algonquin College—that’s a lot! This is why we’ve put together a Change Champion Network designed to support General SIS Users across Algonquin College.

Can I be both types of users?

The short answer: Yes!

The long answer: Yes! But let us explain.

For example, let’s say you’re an employee working in the Financial Aid department, and you’re inputting information for students’ records—that’s a Core User task. However, you’ll also be running reports, which is a General User task. So, your work lines you up into both user categories.

What does it mean if I’m a Core User or a General User?

This means that there will be different kinds of training based on your role in the new SIS, Thesis SM. In other words, the training materials will not be position based or job-title based. We’ve acknowledged that not all positions or job titles perform the same tasks, so it’s crucial that the training materials reflect this fact.

So, whether you’re a Core User or a General User (or both!), training will be tailored to you!


As we move onto the next phases of the Project, we’ll be finalizing our Business Processes. That’s when training development for both Core Users and General Users will be built.

If you’re wondering where you can find more information about the Project, then the R3 Project FAQ and Glossary sections are great resources!

Additionally, don’t miss our next R3 Showcase Event to receive important updates and learn more about the R3 Project. We’ll also be happy to answer any questions that you might have.

The next R3 Showcase is set for Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 10 a.m.


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