What is the R3 Project up to? Here’s an updated description of the project phases.

The R3 Project Timeline with 6 phases. 1. Discovery - Learning about the new SIS capabilities. Thesis learns about AC. Also called Familiarize phase. 2. A 'Here' marker is displayed on the Design and Develop phase - Configure the SIS for AC. Redesign business processes. Also called Personalize Phase. 3. Technical Testing - Team tests that the new SIS works as required. Business process sharing begins. Feedback collected and analyzed. Also called Integrated System Testing. 4. User Testing - Users test final version of new SIS. Also called User Acceptance Testing. 5. Deploy - Deployment of new SIS begins. Also called Deploy. 6. Close - Close. Also called Project Close.

The R3 Project officially started back in 2019, and since then, a lot has changed. As the largest project Algonquin College has ever seen, there’s no surprise that the project has evolved over the years based on what we’ve learned and accomplished.

To put things into perspective, let’s take some time to review the R3 Project Phases—we’ve also incorporated a simple construction analogy! Plus, we’ll highlight what’s been accomplished, what’s ahead, and why each phase matters.

Discovery Phase

A binocular icon

During this phase—also called Familiarize—we explored Thesis Student Management (Thesis SM), including the Student Portal, and learned about the system’s capabilities. Our vendor, Thesis, also learned about Algonquin College (AC) processes and business needs.

This phase is like scouting for the best location to construct a new road.


Design and Develop Phase

An icon of a piece of paper with a chartThis is where a huge bulk of the work is done. The Design and Develop Phase—also called Personalize—involves the following:

  • Configuring the Student Information System (SIS) for AC
  • Creating enhancements and automation
  • Migrating data and integrating systems

This is the longest phase because building tailored solutions takes time, and the scope of the work was initially underestimated by Thesis. Think of this phase as designing blueprints and constructing the road— it’s detailed to set us up for long-term success.

Now, you may be wondering why this phase is taking more time than initially planned. To put it simply, configuring Thesis SM for our needs is complex. Product features and automations required for key processes are being built from scratch. And while this additional time won’t mean that every need is met upon Go-Live, it will make sure that the system is ready for Go-Live success and ongoing development.


Technical Testing Phase

A wrench icon circled by two arrowsThis is when Thesis rigorously tests the new SIS to make sure that it functions as a cohesive solution, including system integrations. Feedback is gathered throughout the phase to adjust or resolve technical issues. Additionally, finalized business processes are shared to align with the system’s capabilities and workflows.

This is like testing the newly built road under different road conditions.

User Testing Phase

A person icon with two arrows circlingAt this point in the project, most of the College—that’s you! —will test the system in real-world scenarios, supported by specialized training.

This phase prepares users for a smooth transition, like drivers testing new routes to work.

Deploy Phase

An icon of a start button with a hand tapping it.At this stage, final preparations lead to Go-Live, which is a facilitated, complex, step-by-step process that takes place over approximately 10 days.

This is like an airplane takeoff, carefully coordinated for success with many checks and balances in place.


All in all, each project phase plays a critical role in building a SIS configured to AC’s needs. Each phase of this timeline is to ensure a well-constructed, reliable, and future-ready solution. While some phases have required more time and effort than originally expected, this investment is for long-term system success that will support learners, employees, and AC goals.


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