R3 Project Launches Change Champion Nominations

The R3 Project is establishing a group of Change Champions to support General Users in their understanding and adoption of Thesis SM, our new Student Information System. General Users are those who primarily use the student information system to look up information and may, on occasion, perform specific tasks.

If you are interested, please contact the R3 Engagement and Communications team at R3Communications@algonquincollege.com.

An overview of what to expect as a Change Champion:

Time commitment: One (1) hour per week or up to four (4) hours per month.
• Meets with R3 Change Management team once a month for one hour for the duration of the project, starting January 2022
• Introductory Meeting will be provided December 15 and repeated in January if needed
• Learns and practices in the demonstration copy of Thesis SM
• Shares information inside department or faculty meetings
• Gathers feedback from department or faculty to share with R3 Project team

• Help support departmental understanding of R3 changes and timelines
• Tailor R3 communication to the needs and interests of departments or faculties
• Provide a direct channel to the R3 Project on communication and training materials
• Learn the new Student Information System (SIS) early

Benefits of being a Change Champion
• Attends early General User training
• Early opportunity to practice using the new SIS
• Learning and development opportunity

Next Steps:
• Nominations close November 19
• Selection by December 10
• Introductory Meeting, December 15
• Change Champion Network Launch in January 2022

Change Champion Network Summary
The Change Champion Network (CCN) is a group of individuals who are early adopters and support their department or faculty through the R3 transformation project. This network is an opportunity to engage and support Algonquin College employees.
The Change Champion role is to understand key R3 messages and tailor communication with Faculties and Departments; provide feedback and advice to the R3 Project team on communication methods and efforts; learn new processes and software, provide feedback on training; and, support Chairs’ and Managers’ understanding of the relevant changes.
We are recommending one to three nominations per faculty or department based on the estimated number of General Users.

Purpose of the Change Champion Role
• To develop a departmental understanding of changes and timelines. Support Chairs and Managers by giving local examples and answering questions.
• To tailor communication. Help tailor communication to the needs and interests of departments or faculties. Advise R3 Project team on communication gaps.
• To provide timely feedback. Provide a direct channel to the R3 Project on training resources and adoption challenges.
• To be an early adopter of the new SIS and build capacity within departments and faculties in preparation for the adoption of the new Student Information System.

Change Champion Attributes
• Gather project updates, participate in meetings, provide feedback, and participate in ongoing training
• Listen to end-user questions and concerns
• Gather feedback from users regarding R3 Project communications and training
• Ability to listen and understand local challenges and communicate to the R3 Change Management team
• Two-way communicator: communicate end-user feedback to the R3 Project team and provide advice on communications and training
• Communicate key R3 Project messages. Customize or tailor the messages to the interest of their user community
• Support Chairs and Managers by sharing relevant information and answering questions
• Strong presentation and communication skills
• Ability to understand and communicate the impact of process changes
• Encourage, coach, and support end-user engagement with the project and system
• Assist the R3 Project team with identifying and addressing potential gaps in communication and training
• Passionate early adopter of new technology
• Act as supporters of the R3 transformation
• Regularly supports peers in the use of GeneSIS, demonstrating the ability to communicate effectively about software use


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