R3 Project Launches Change Champion Network

The R3 Project has welcomed an amazing group of Algonquin College employees making up the Change Champion Network!

The Change Champion Network (CCN) is a group of employees who are early adopters and support their department or faculty through the R3 transformation project. This network is an opportunity to engage and support Algonquin College employees. They were officially introduced at the R3 Project Year in Review event on Dec. 7.

This group of Change Champions are incredible listeners, inquisitive, and know-how to support their team members well.

The Change Champion’s role is to understand key R3 messages and connect this communication with their home Faculties and Departments; provide feedback and advice to the R3 Project team on communication methods and efforts; learn new processes and software, provide feedback on training; and, support Chairs’ and Managers’ understanding of the relevant changes.

Purpose of the Change Champion Role

  • To develop a departmental understanding of changes and timelines. Support Chairs and Managers by giving local examples and answering questions.
  • To tailor communication. Help tailor communication to the needs and interests of departments or faculties. Advise R3 Project team on communication gaps.
  • To provide timely feedback. Provide a direct channel to the R3 Project on training resources and adoption challenges.
  • To be an early adopter of the new SIS. As well as to build capacity within departments and faculties in preparation for the adoption of the new Student Information System.

Find out more about the Change Champions Network.


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