R3 Project Behind the Scenes: The Question Tracker

A woman with glasses is looking at an unseen person and writing down notes.

You probably already know about the R3 Showcase, right? It’s an event that we host every couple of months to share the latest R3 Project developments with the AC community. But did you also know that it’s the perfect place to ask questions about the R3 Project?

Ask away!

During these events, attendees can use the Questions and Answers feature—or Q&A, for short. You type in the question, and it gets added to the Q&A panel. Then, our team answers your question in one of two ways:

  • We answer your question live during the Q&A portion of the event. We keep an eye on the most upvoted questions to answer first.
  • We send you an email with the answer if we didn’t get to your question during the event.

If you think of a question after Showcase is over, that’s OK! You can also ask us questions between Showcase events by sending us an email.

The Question Tracker

Now, here’s what happens when you ask us a question:

Screenshot of an Excel spreadsheet that catalogues questions and answers.

This is an excerpt of a massive spreadsheet we’ve created to compile the questions you send us. We call it the Question Tracker.

And yes, the Question Tracker is as comprehensive as it looks. Our team catalogues every single one of the hundreds of questions we’ve gotten over the years.

As you can see, we also record the answers we give you. We’re quite methodical about it because it’s important for us to give good answers to 100% of the questions we get.

“Wait… 100%? As in, all of them?”

Yes, you read that right. We answer every. Single. Question.

Because of our team’s in-depth knowledge of the R3 Project, most questions receive quick, definitive answers during the R3 Showcase.

Some questions take a little longer to answer. We need to wait until after a Showcase event is over so we can check with other members of the R3 Project. Once we have the answer, you’ll receive an email directly from us.

Your questions help us

Every question matters to us because they help us understand the priorities of the AC community and inform many of the decisions we make.

For example, if we notice that people might be confused about new terms, we add them to our Glossary. If there are repeated questions, we include them in our website’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Your questions also help us tailor our training materials and even adjust the user experience of Thesis SM, the new Student Information System.

So, please, don’t be shy! If you’d like to know anything about the R3 Project, feel free to ask us a question during our next Showcase event or by email any time!


In the meantime, check out our FAQ page to learn more about the R3 Project.


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