Psst! Do You Have a Second? Let’s Talk About Student Course Registration

Three young adults are smiling and talking to each other in the Ishkodewan courtyard at Algonquin College.

In the past month, our team has analyzed dozens of questions we’ve received about Student Course Registration. We noticed some recurring themes and have created the following fictional conversation between a member of the College community (like you!) and one of us at the R3 Project.

You can watch the video below or skip the video and read the full transcript of the conversation. Either way, we hope you enjoy it!

Do you have questions that were not covered in this video? Check out our FAQ page to learn more about Student Course Registration and the R3 Project.

Video transcript

You: Hi there. I want to know more about the Student Course Registration process. Do you have time to answer some questions?

R3 Team: Hello! Of course, I’d be happy to help! What’s on your mind?

You: How does conditional registration work in Thesis SM?

R3 Team: There is no conditional registration in Thesis SM. Instead, learners can pre-enrol in courses before their final grades are in, then re-enrol once their grades are finalized.

You: Wait… Can you remind me what Pre-enrolment and Re-enrolment mean?

R3 Team: Sure! Pre-enrolment means reserving spots in courses, and Re-enrolment means officially registering in courses. Pre-enrolment and Re-enrolment are the two steps of Student Course Registration.

You: Oh, that’s right! I remember learning about that in the May 2024 Showcase Event. Does Student Course Registration also apply to Off-cycle Learners and learners with CAL-approved accommodations?

R3 Team: Yes, these learners follow the same steps of Pre-enrolment and Re-enrolment in Student Course Registration.

You: Good to know. That reminds me: does the Thesis Student Portal help learners optimize their course schedule to avoid scheduling conflicts?

R3 Team: Yes, the Thesis Student Portal can recommend optimized and conflict-free timetables to learners based on course schedule footprints developed by Academic Programs.

You: OK. I’m also worried about learners not enrolling in enough courses. How does Thesis SM deal with learners whose part-time course loads affect their eligibility for Financial Aid?

R3 Team: Thesis SM alerts learners when they have a part-time course load that affects their eligibility for Financial Aid like OSAP. This information is also visible to the Financial Aid Team in the RO.

You: Great, but what about International Learners? Does Thesis SM help them maintain a full-time course load as required by law?

R3 Team: Thesis SM does not compel any learner to enrol in a full-time course load. However, International Learners with part-time course loads are added to reports so RO employees can proactively intervene.

You: I see. And can the RO extend Student Course Registration availability for learners who are admitted late into an Academic Period?

R3 Team: Typically, Student Course Registration ends for all learners on the cut-off date decided by the College, but the RO can manually process registration for learners after the cut-off date or any other time.

You: Fantastic! Thanks, I think that’s all I had for you today. But I’m sure I’ll have more questions as we get closer to the launch of Thesis SM.

R3 Team: And I’ll be here to assist you when you do! In the meantime, please consider registering in our next R3 Showcase Event. Have a great day!


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