News and Events

What it means to “configure” the new Student Information System, Thesis SM

AC R3 Project

The R3 Project is in the Design and Develop/Personalize Phase. Not only are we designing our business processes during this phase, but we’re also making hundreds of configuration decisions.

To configure the Thesis SM software means adding to or changing current details within the SIS software to tailor it to Algonquin College needs.

Sounds complicated, right?! Let’s break it down using an analogy.

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Dec. 8 R3 Holiday Showcase Event

Our Holiday Showcase Event focused on sharing the SIS Training and Development Approach for the first time!

R3 Project Manager of eLearning and Development, Rob Kershaw, walked us through the resources and supports that will help prepare our College community for the new system launch. He also provided a practice simulation of the new SIS, Thesis SM.

Charmaine Childs, Change Management Officer, reviewed some of the R3 Project highlights from 2022. We wrapped up the event with a live Q&A session.

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Nov. 17 R3 Showcase Event | Integrations + Live Demo of the Credential Audit Tool

We did a deep dive on our vision for integrating the other platforms we use that “talk” with the Student Information System. Attendees also got a to see a great feature in Thesis SM – the Credential Audit – through a live demo!

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All About Integrations: Join Us at the Nov. 17 Showcase Event

R3 Showcase

Integrations, integrations, integrations.

Algonquin College uses a number of digital tools to help us do our work. Whether it’s Brightspace, Salesforce, Clockwork or the 49 other identified platforms that connect with our Student Information System (SIS), one thing is for sure: there’s a whole lot of communication happening between our SIS and our other platforms. We call that process, integrations.

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