News and Events

Defining the R3 Team: Who are they and what do they do?

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Since we’re hoping to accomplish a lot with the R3 Project, there are a number of people—from Algonquin College employees to contractors—working on this Project to help bring our vision to life. Each member of the R3 Team plays a vital role in ensuring that our five main objectives are met and that we’re always keeping the Algonquin College community in mind.

The R3 Project is comprised of several teams, and each one contributes something different to the Project. These teams are divided into smaller groups, and each one is in charge of accomplishing different tasks and working on different things.

For now, we’re going to be focusing on the two biggest teams on the R3 Project: Functional and Technical. These two teams are also led by the two co-chairs of the Implementation Committee, Bryan Eburne and Jason Taker.

Now, what does this mean? What do these teams do? How does their work affect the R3 Project and AC community?

We’ll answer all of these questions by explaining the differences between the Technical and Functional teams and outlining their roles within the Project.

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What the Data team hopes to accomplish with the R3 Project

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The R3 Project Data team is responsible for moving the information housed in GeneSIS over to the new Student Information System (SIS), Thesis Student Management (Thesis SM).

Throughout this process, the Data team will ensure the information that’s migrated over to the new SIS is accurate, reliable and secure. These efforts will also enhance the student and employee experience when it comes to accessing customized information and running reports and analytics.

Of course, this is all easier said than done. We’re going to be breaking down what the Data team does on a regular basis in order to accomplish their tasks.

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How do I share my insight? Common questions about the getting involved with the R3 Project

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The R3 Project is a business transformation initiative that will retire the current Student Information System (GeneSIS) and the related portal (ACSIS). These will be replaced by a new Student Information System (SIS) as well as an updated learner portal respectively.

The other main purpose of the Project is to rethink and redesign Algonquin College’s Business Processes. We’ve also pulled in our College’s own Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to provide feedback and guidance throughout this review.

As we implement a new SIS, we now have the opportunity to rethink how we work, redesign our processes, and reimagine how we serve and interact with our learners.

Today, we’ve compiled five commonly asked questions about the R3 Project that we hope will bring you clarity on how you can get involved: Read more >

Five common questions about the R3 Project and what it means for you

R3 Showcase

The R3 Project is a business transformation initiative that will retire the current Student Information System (GeneSIS) and the related portal (ACSIS). These will be replaced by a new Student Information System (SIS) as well as an updated learner portal respectively.

The other main purpose of the Project is to rethink and redesign Algonquin College’s Business Processes. We’ve also pulled in our College’s own Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to provide feedback and guidance throughout this review.

As we implement a new SIS, we now have the opportunity to rethink how we work, redesign our processes, and reimagine how we serve and interact with our learners.

Today, we’ve compiled five commonly asked questions about the R3 Project that we hope will bring you clarity on what this all means for you:

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An introduction to some Thesis SM language

One of the things that the R3 Project is doing is introducing a new Student Information System (SIS), Thesis Student Management (Thesis SM).

With the introduction of a new, cloud-based system comes new terms that were adopted by Thesis SM. As we begin transitioning from our current SIS, GeneSIS, to Thesis SM, we’ve had to look at the terms that we currently use and compare them to the ones Thesis SM has given us.

During this process, we’re continuously thinking about the Algonquin College community to ensure that the new Thesis language aligns with our goals and five main objectives.

With that, we will focus on three new terms that we’re going to be using with Thesis SM: Division, Academic Program and Program Curriculum.

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