News and Events

Do you look up information in the SIS? If so, checkout the February 2024 Showcase recordings

February’s Showcase was the first R3 Project event of 2024 and was hosted by Vice President of Student Services and R3 Project’s Executive Sponsor, Laura Stanbra.

🌐 Lois Pollock, our visionary Chief Digital Officer and R3 Business Co-Lead kicked off the event by introducing System Roles and Permissions within Thesis SM. This included an overview of the work set to take place in the Personalize, Integrated System Testing, and User Acceptance Testing Phases of the Project.

💡Rob Kershaw, Manager of R3 Project eLearning and Development, provided a summary of the General User training approach and what is on the horizon regarding employee eLearning and task-based training.

…But the excitement didn’t stop there! Read more >

Recap: Nov. 14, 2023 Showcase Event | Integrations and Student Payment Demo

This November’s Showcase event was hosted by Chief Digital Officer and R3 Project Business Co-Lead, Lois Pollock. The event welcomed more than 240 participants from across the College who came together to celebrate some of the highlights and benefits we are starting to see through digital transformation. Participants had the opportunity to hear about some of the processes that will be improved by modernizing our integrations platform.

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Getting to Know the Faces of the R3 Project

Introducing a new communications initiative from the R3 Project’s Engagement and Communications team!

Each semester we will feature an article highlighting various R3 Project teams. This initiative is an opportunity to get to know the faces of the R3 Project and learn more about all the behind-the-scenes work taking place as we prepare for Go-Live. Read more >

Recap: Oct. 30, 2023, Business Process Walkthrough Event

This October’s BPW event was hosted by Talal Javed, Project Manager, SIS. The event welcomed more than 105 attendees from across the College who received an overview of two business processes from the R3 Project’s Functional Team.

Bryan Eburne, Manager, R3 SIS Implementation & Business Transformation presented the benefits of Thesis SM as a software, and the reasoning for replacing Algonquin College’s current SIS (Student Information System) GeneSIS.

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