News and Events

Take a Micro-break and Complete the R3 Project Crossword

A graphic featuring the R3 Project logo, a cartoon avatar of a person with glasses, a computer keyboard and mouse, and a crossword puzzle.

According to a group of Canadian researchers, taking regular micro-breaks at work can boost your performance and improve your well-being—especially if you can go outside for a little bit. Micro-breaks last only a few minutes, but they can relieve pressure and help us find the focus we need to tackle the challenges we encounter at work.

If you’re ready for a micro-break, we’ve got something to help you unwind and have fun: the R3 Project Crossword. Can you complete it in under five minutes?

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Curious about Course Registration? Watch the July 2024 R3 Showcase for answers!

July’s Showcase event was a continuation of our May Showcase event, which focused on Course Registration. The event was hosted by Laura Stanbra, Vice President of Student Services and R3 Project’s Executive Sponsor, who welcomed more than 220 participants.

Charmaine Childs, R3 Project Manager of Engagement and Communications, provided an overview of which Thesis Student Portal communications will come from Algonquin College and which will come from the R3 Project.

Lauren Draper, Project Manager, Business Transformation, went over the purpose of Pre-enrolment and Re-enrolment and highlighted some popular questions asked during the May Showcase.

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New SIS, No Worries: A Primer on Thesis SM Help Resources

Two women sitting side by side are comparing their notes.

Some people learn by doing. Some learn by reading. Some like to watch experts at work and copy what they do. And believe it or not, some people even enjoy preparing for and taking tests.

What kind of learner are you? When Algonquin College rolls out its new Student Information System (SIS), Thesis SM, how would you like to approach your learning journey?

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