News and Events

Student Course Registration: Better for learners, streamlined for employees!

An Algonquin College student is sitting in a chair and using a laptop computer.

The new Thesis Student Portal will change how learners register for courses. Today, Algonquin College assigns course schedules to learners. With the new Thesis Student Portal, learners will be able to create their own course schedules, allowing for a completely customizable experience!

This shift to Student Course Registration is directly tied to Priority 2 of the College’s Academic Plan, which is to provide inclusive program delivery that enables choice. What’s more, most College programs support giving learners more flexibility in the Course Registration process.

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How is Course Registration changing? Watch the May 2024 R3 Showcase to find out!

May’s Showcase event was hosted by Laura Stanbra, Vice President of Student Services and R3 Project’s Executive Sponsor, who welcomed more than 260 participants.

Lauren Draper, Project Manager, Business Transformation, discussed how consultations with Deans, Academic Chairs, and Program Coordinators informed the new Course Registration process.

Haya Majbour, Business Analyst, defined some new Thesis SM terminology, compared the current state to the future state of Course Registration, and explained how the new Course Registration process will relieve administrative pressure for employees and increase flexibility for learners.

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Learner Benefits Part 4: Modernizing Integrations to fit our Learners’ Needs

A group of four college students sitting facing each other at a booth setting. They are smiling.

One of the biggest improvements the R3 Project is highlighting with the new Thesis Student Portal is its simple and modern look. With a cloud-based, modern system comes modern ways in which students will be able to get things done in the Thesis Student Portal. What’s better, this solution is directly in line with our objective to improve student success and satisfaction, which is also related to Algonquin College’s Mission and Vision!

Another great thing about these learner benefits is that some of our current processes won’t change once we go live with Thesis SM and the new Thesis Student Portal. This is great for our employees who are used to doing processes a certain way – so long as the process is already simple and easy, we don’t need to change it.

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Learner Benefits Part 3: Streamlining processes to improve the learner experience

A student on campus holding her cell phone and smiling.

The R3 Project is not just about investing in a new Student Information System (SIS). Rethinking and redesigning the many business processes across the College is another important piece of the puzzle, and this is directly in line with the project’s objectives. One of these objectives is to improve student success and satisfaction.

These business processes are also helping us define how the new Student Portal will work. To put it simply, the portal will make our learners’ lives easier as they navigate through their academic journey.

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Learner Benefits Part 2: Improving Overall Communications for AC Learners

A woman sitting on a bench outside using a laptop. The Canadian parliament building is behind her.

With the launch of a new Student Portal and Student Information System comes a lot of benefits for everyone. Not only that, but the work being done on the R3 Project is directly connected to the Mission and Vision of Algonquin College, which aims to help our learners achieve lifelong success and become global leaders.

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