News and Events

New SIS, No Worries: A Primer on Thesis SM Help Resources

Two women sitting side by side are comparing their notes.

Some people learn by doing. Some learn by reading. Some like to watch experts at work and copy what they do. And believe it or not, some people even enjoy preparing for and taking tests.

What kind of learner are you? When Algonquin College rolls out its new Student Information System (SIS), Thesis SM, how would you like to approach your learning journey?

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R3 Project Behind the Scenes: The Question Tracker

A woman with glasses is looking at an unseen person and writing down notes.

You probably already know about the R3 Showcase, right? It’s an event that we host every couple of months to share the latest R3 Project developments with the AC community. But did you also know that it’s the perfect place to ask questions about the R3 Project?

Ask away!

During these events, attendees can use the Questions and Answers feature—or Q&A, for short. You type in the question, and it gets added to the Q&A panel. Then, our team answers your question in one of two ways:

  • We answer your question live during the Q&A portion of the event. We keep an eye on the most upvoted questions to answer first.
  • We send you an email with the answer if we didn’t get to your question during the event.

If you think of a question after Showcase is over, that’s OK! You can also ask us questions between Showcase events by sending us an email.

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Confused by the Lingo? Let’s Go Over Student Course Registration in Thesis SM

An Algonquin College student is using a laptop computer while consulting a textbook and a notebook.

Algonquin College will soon have a new Student Information System (SIS) called Thesis SM. As with any new tool, there is sure to be a learning curve for people switching from the old SIS, GeneSIS, to the new one—but don’t worry! We’ll help you become familiar with Thesis SM so you can hit the ground running when it goes live.

With that being said, we want to tell you about six important terms related to Student Course Registration that will help you better understand how this process will work.

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