Getting to Know the Faces of the R3 Project

Introducing a new communications initiative from the R3 Project’s Engagement and Communications team!

Each semester we will feature an article highlighting various R3 Project teams. This initiative is an opportunity to get to know the faces of the R3 Project and learn more about all the behind-the-scenes work taking place as we prepare for Go-Live.

Our first feature will highlight the Engagement and Communications team. This small team is part of the larger Communications, Change Management and Training (CCMT) team, which focuses on the “people side” of the R3 Project. While you may be somewhat familiar with this team, as they are often referred to as the R3 Project’s “Cheerleaders”, here is a chance to get to know more about these team members.

avatar of Charmaine ChildsFirst, we will hear from Charmaine Childs, Manager, Engagement and Communications, R3 Project.

Charmaine has been on the R3 Project since 2021 and originally joined the team as a Change Management Officer. In her current role, she oversees the Engagement and Communication Plans for the R3 Project and is responsible for engaging with colleagues across the College as they transition to using the new SIS, Thesis SM. Charmaine’s favourite aspect of this role is having the opportunity to be involved in a college-wide project that will help shape the future of AC. If she could tell the College community one thing about the R3 Project, it is to get involved! She encourages the AC community to talk with their department’s Change Champions, attend R3 Showcase and Business Process Walkthrough events, and never be shy to ask questions!

avatar of Teressa Williamson

Next is Teressa Williamson, Change Management Officer, R3 Project.

Teressa was originally involved with the R3 Project as part of the Change Champion Network in 2021. She joined the team in her current role, as a Change Management Officer, in January 2023. In her role, she focuses on the change management plan for learners and employees who support learners at AC. Teressa’s favourite aspect of this role is working with different teams of people who support learners across the college. If she could tell the College community one thing about the R3 Project, it is to stay informed. Keeping informed is a great way to manage the natural stress that may occur with big changes. The R3 website has a ton of great features that can help the College community stay up to date with the R3 Project, e.g., the FAQ page, the glossary of new terms, past event recordings and summaries, etc. Head to our website and take a look! avatar of Elizabeth Holmes

Next is Elizabeth Holmes, Change Management Officer, R3 Project.

Elizabeth is the newest member of the R3 Project’s Engagement and Communications Team, joining this past June 2023. In her role as a Change Management Officer, she focuses on the employee side of the team’s engagement and communications strategies. Through this, she can help gain insight into what information the College community needs as we progress through the R3 Project phases. Her favourite aspect of this role is having the opportunity to engage with the AC community in a variety of ways (e.g. R3 Project Showcase and BPW events, the Change Champion Network, Thesis SM training, departmental presentations, etc.). If she could tell the College community one thing about the R3 project, it would be that current GeneSIS users should be excited about the implementation of a new SIS! Thesis SM is modernized, user-friendly, intuitive and will ultimately help make the day-to-day tasks easier for current SIS users at the College.

avatar of Taylor McAulayNext is Taylor McAulay, Operational Support Officer, R3 Project.

Taylor joined the team in March 2023. In their role, they help support meetings, presentations, events, and training sessions for the OCM (Organizational Change management) stream of the R3 Project. Taylor facilitates the R3 Project’s “New Term Tuesday”, performs frequent website updates, and tracks engagement metrics and questions from different departments at the College. Their favourite component of this role is being able to see the events come together. If they could tell the AC community something about the R3 project, it would be that the Engagement and Communications team is invested in hearing your feedback! We want to know your questions and get you answers, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us! avatar of Cory DeSouzaAnd last but not least is Cory DeSouza, Technical Writer, R3 Project.

Cory joined the team as a Co-op student in May 2023. After his Co-op term ended, he remained a member of the Engagement and Communications team as a Technical Writer. Whether it is writing documents, editing visuals, proofreading presentations, evaluating accessibility, or navigating the R3 Project website, Cory helps to streamline valuable information and remove barriers affecting communication. His favourite aspect of this role is making education more available and accessible to College employees as they develop the skills and knowledge needed to help support learners during this transition. If he could tell the AC community one thing about the R3 Project it would be to check out all of the R3 Project resources on our website. The more familiar the AC community becomes with all things R3, the easier it will be to transition to using Thesis SM when we go live.

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