Five common questions about the R3 Project and what it means for you

R3 Showcase

The R3 Project is a business transformation initiative that will retire the current Student Information System (GeneSIS) and the related portal (ACSIS). These will be replaced by a new Student Information System (SIS) as well as an updated learner portal respectively.

The other main purpose of the Project is to rethink and redesign Algonquin College’s Business Processes. We’ve also pulled in our College’s own Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to provide feedback and guidance throughout this review.

As we implement a new SIS, we now have the opportunity to rethink how we work, redesign our processes, and reimagine how we serve and interact with our learners.

Today, we’ve compiled five commonly asked questions about the R3 Project that we hope will bring you clarity on what this all means for you:

How will employees be impacted by the R3 Project?

Our Thesis SM student information application will operate differently from our current system, and the processes that we use will change. Other tools, integrations and processes will ensure that the work currently done in GeneSIS can still be accomplished.

This is an exciting opportunity to improve how we do things, reduce barriers to efficiency and increase automation so that we can serve learners better and our employees can have an improved experience.

How will the R3 Project change the way employees serve students?

The R3 Project will change the way employees serve students in a number of ways.

The Thesis SM student information application should provide greater flexibility in the enrolment processes and integration with other systems, reducing data re-entry or rework for employees. Students will have access to the student side of the SIS throughout a mobile app and will ultimately have a more user-friendly experience accessing their grades, schedules and more.

The Student Portal will serve as mobile-friendly dashboard providing students with access to their student information system.

We will know more about specific changes in later Project phases.

When Business Process decisions are made, where will we be able to read about them?

When any Business Process change is made, the plan is to share it with the College community, which will be posted here on the R3 Project website. Read about the upcoming changes.

Will the R3 Project document how our Business Processes will change when we move to the new solution?

During the Familiarization Phase workshops, the Project team, Thesis team and College SMEs examined the objective of your tasks and looked at how the Thesis solution could achieve them in the best way possible. That’s where the education around process changes begins – by being included in the creation of the Future State.

Two other distinct things we know from examining previous implementations is that training and testing are crucial to a successful go-live. We are planning for robust training with rich data so that it feels real. We’ll apply universal design principles to training, offering multiple modes and opportunities to meet the needs of many kinds of learners.

When will my employees be involved in the Project?

Engagement will increase steadily throughout the project, and you’ll see a sustained peak of opportunities as we get closer to the go-live date.


There you have it: five commonly asked questions about the R3 Project.

You can check out the FAQ page on the R3 Project website to find a list of our most commonly asked questions. It’s a great place to start looking if you have questions (because we have answers!).

Additionally, don’t miss our next R3 Showcase Event to receive important updates and learn more about the R3 Project. We’ll also be happy to answer any questions that you might have.

The next R3 Showcase is set for Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023, at 2:00 p.m.


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