News R3

Introducing ‘New Term Tuesday!’

The R3 Project has launched ‘New Term Tuesday,’ a campaign to share important new terms related to the introduction of the Student Information System (SIS) with the College community. Each Tuesday, we will post a new term on myAC and the project SharePoint site to gradually increase the College community’s knowledge of the new terms that we will use within our new SIS, Thesis Student Management (Thesis SM).

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College Community Celebrates Official SIS Project Launch!

Almost 350 members of the College community gathered virtually on Monday, Feb. 8, 2021, to officially launch the SIS Project. The event followed the November 2020 announcement of Unit4 as the College’s new Student Information System and implementation partner.

Those gathered were also the first to learn the project has been rebranded, as R3, which stands for “rethink, redesign, reimagine.”

President Claude Brulé expanded on its meaning in his keynote address.

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Introducing the New Project Brand

The SIS Project has a new look and a new name, R3, a college transformation project. R3 stands for “rethink, redesign, reimagine.”

The brand is designed to generate excitement about the project and the visual design puts the learner at the centre. The new brand keeps the College’s new Software-as-a-Service Student Information System central while also highlighting both the other supporting project initiatives and the project’s outcome.

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