News R3

Learner Benefits Part 3: Streamlining processes to improve the learner experience

A student on campus holding her cell phone and smiling.

The R3 Project is not just about investing in a new Student Information System (SIS). Rethinking and redesigning the many business processes across the College is another important piece of the puzzle, and this is directly in line with the project’s objectives. One of these objectives is to improve student success and satisfaction.

These business processes are also helping us define how the new Student Portal will work. To put it simply, the portal will make our learners’ lives easier as they navigate through their academic journey.

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Domestic on Demand: Making the application process quick and easy for domestic students! 

With the implementation of the new Student Information System, Thesis SM, comes many changes to how we currently do things at the College. Some of these processes will stay the same once we go live, but others will change to improve student success and satisfaction as well as employee satisfaction and productivity. One of the many changes will be the use of Domestic on Demand.

Before we dive into what this means for students, employees, and the College as a whole, keep in mind that this change only applies to domestic students!

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What is DoD? Find out by watching the March 2024 R3 Showcase Event Recording!

March’s Showcase event was hosted by Vice President of Student Services and R3 Project’s Executive Sponsor, Laura Stanbra, who welcomed more than 231 participants.

Claude Brulé, AC President and CEO, presented the many benefits the R3 Project is committed to achieving for our learners, including the very important integration between the new Student Information System (SIS) and the Domestic on Demand (DoD) solution provided by the Ontario College Application Service (OCAS).

Amanda Therrien, Training Specialist, then went over the current Domestic Admissions Process and explained some important Thesis SM Admissions terminology to give some background into what information they represent in Thesis SM, the new SIS.

And then, what you’ve all been waiting for… live demos!

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Year in Review: Here’s What Happened in 2023

As we begin a new year at Algonquin College, we want to reflect on what the R3 Project has accomplished in 2023. So, if you’ve found yourself caught up in the whirlwind of events and milestones (and who can blame you, there were so many!), fear not – we’re here to unpack the highlights to ensure you don’t miss a beat!

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Do you look up information in the SIS? If so, checkout the February 2024 Showcase recordings

February’s Showcase was the first R3 Project event of 2024 and was hosted by Vice President of Student Services and R3 Project’s Executive Sponsor, Laura Stanbra.

🌐 Lois Pollock, our visionary Chief Digital Officer and R3 Business Co-Lead kicked off the event by introducing System Roles and Permissions within Thesis SM. This included an overview of the work set to take place in the Personalize, Integrated System Testing, and User Acceptance Testing Phases of the Project.

💡Rob Kershaw, Manager of R3 Project eLearning and Development, provided a summary of the General User training approach and what is on the horizon regarding employee eLearning and task-based training.

…But the excitement didn’t stop there! Continue reading

Recap: Nov. 14, 2023 Showcase Event | Integrations and Student Payment Demo

This November’s Showcase event was hosted by Chief Digital Officer and R3 Project Business Co-Lead, Lois Pollock. The event welcomed more than 240 participants from across the College who came together to celebrate some of the highlights and benefits we are starting to see through digital transformation. Participants had the opportunity to hear about some of the processes that will be improved by modernizing our integrations platform.

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