Special interview: The fun of testing with Bert Pitre and Marie Potvin

Two young men are sitting at a desk. The first one is facing a computer screen while he holds a mouse and rests his left hand on the keyboard. The second one is beside him, leaning forward and pointing at something on the screen.

The Testing Team is essential to ensuring that Algonquin College’s new Student Information System (SIS), Thesis SM, works as smoothly as possible. Their primary responsibilities involve identifying, assessing, and reporting bugs, i.e., imperfections in computer software.

This process is hard work, but Bert Pitre, Senior Testing Lead on the R3 Project, says it’s also great fun. Igor Coelho A. S. Marques recently chatted with Bert and Marie Potvin, Testing Administrator, to learn more about testing, cultivating team spirit, and the importance of legacy.

Algonquin College employees: Read the interview with Bert Pitre and Marie Potvin.


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