Let’s Play R3 Project Jeopardy!

This is an online solo version of the game we played with the Change Champion Network (CCN). Keep reading to find out how to play 🏆

How to play

On a desktop computer, the game is located on the right; on a mobile device, the game is found below.

The rules are simple:

  1. Read the statement on the flashcard.
  2. Guess the question the statement is an answer to.
  3. Click on the flashcard to flip it and read the question.
  4. If you guessed it correctly, select the ✅, and the points will be added to your score.
  5. If you didn’t guess it correctly, select the ❌, and you will skip to the next question.

The Change Champions had a blast playing this game

The Change Champion Network is a group of representatives from across all Algonquin College faculties and departments who get monthly updates about the R3 Project, participate in early training, and give us valuable feedback. Because of their expert insight, Change Champions play an integral role in helping us align our work to the priorities of the College community, and we’re so thankful for their contributions!

Elizabeth Holmes, Change Management Officer, led a fun end-of-year event for the CCN in the College’s beautiful Nawapon Indigenous Space. This was also the first time we hosted a CCN meeting in person! And the highlight of this event? A Jeopardy-like game where the Change Champions were tested on their R3 Project knowledge.

People sitting at different round tables in a conference room all looking toward a large screen where a Jeopardy-like game is being projected.

Did you beat the Change Champions?

Their game ended in a tie, with both teams scoring 2,700 points. Did you do better than that? Check the score scale below to see how you did:

  • 6,000-7,500: Wow. Just. Wow. You’re legendary!
  • 4,500-5,999: Impressive! You definitely know your stuff.
  • 3,000-4,499: Very good! You’re well on your way to being an R3 Project expert.
  • 02,999: Great effort! Progress takes practice, and you’re on the right track.


Check out our FAQ page to learn more about the R3 Project!


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