Stay Up to Date with Algonquin College’s R3 Project

As our summer has quickly come to an end, we are heading into a very busy Fall semester. The R3 Project team has been working on providing you with exciting updates, live demos, events, and training opportunities that will take place over the next couple of months. With the Go-Live date announced last May 2023, you are probably asking yourself where we are at with the project.

So, let’s break that down for you.

Currently, we are in the Personalize Phase of the project, which is detailed in the following timeline:

Personalize Phase | Timeline for Business Processes Completion

In this phase, we are configuring our new Student Information System, Thesis SM, for the College needs. To date, over 100 employees from the College have lent their expertise and experience to inform the R3 Project, and by the end of this phase, we’ll have a clearer picture of how we’ll conduct business in the new SIS.

Looking for ways to stay up to date on the Project?

The R3 Communications Team has been collecting feedback and questions from the AC community and creating new avenues for communicating with College Employees and Students. As a result, you will find a new feature on our R3 Website which highlights the FAQs for a variety of different topics related to the Project.

The FAQs are now presented in an interactive table so that you can use topic and user filters, as well as keyword searches to find the most relevant questions for your department or role. Below is a preview of what this table looks like:

Screenshot of the new R3 Project FAQ Page.We will continue to update the FAQs periodically as we receive feedback from the AC Community. If you have a question that hasn’t been answered, feel free to submit it to us using the Contact Us feature on our webpage.

We will also continue to share important information related to the Project through our Engagement and Communications channels, which include; our R3 Showcase and Business Process Walkthroughs, Departmental Presentations, and the Change Champion Network.

Please visit our website for more information regarding R3 Project updates, upcoming changes, training and more! If you have any further questions or feedback, send us an email at

Thank you to the entire AC Community for your continued involvement in the R3 Project. We are looking forward to making progress together in the 2023/2024 Academic Year.


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