Integrations: An overview of how they could improve the student experience

November Showcase

Education technologies assist day-to-day College operations with the ultimate goal to make a student’s and employee’s experience the best it can be.

With the R3 Project, a Digital Transformation will take place when the new Student Information System is implemented. It’s a two-fold approach that will involve an enhanced platform as well as improving the user experience.

During his presentation at the Nov. 20 Showcase Event, Jason Taker, Manager of SIS Implementation and Digital Transformation with the R3 Project, reviewed the vision for Integrations and how the overall digital transformation could boost students’ experience and employees’ satisfaction as well.

But how is it projected to work? When can we expect it to happen? How can we benefit from the Digital Transformation?

Jason answered these questions and brought clarity by providing several examples at the Showcase Event.

Here is a fresh recording of the demo provided.


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