R3 Project moves onto next Project Phase

With set goals and a vision for what’s to come, the R3 Project team has officially moved forward to the next leg of the College Transformation Project: the Design and Develop Phase.

The Design and Develop Phase – also known as the Personalize Phase – involves configuring the new Student Information System, Thesis SM, to meet the needs of Algonquin College as well as designing and developing new Business Processes.

Throughout this phase, technical work continues, including data migration, integrations, and Identity and Access Management (security). The R3 Project team will also provide opportunities for continued college community engagement activities including the popular Showcase Event. As well, the R3 Project team will consult with the Algonquin College community to create the approach and plan for Thesis SM training.

The Design and Develop Phase follows the Discovery/Familiarize Phase in which Algonquin College was able to understand what the vendor, Thesis, could do to meet the College’s needs. In the end, it allowed the R3 Team to better envision what was possible when implementing the new Student Information System into the College landscape.

Laura Stanbra, Vice President, Student Services, and the R3 Project’s Executive Sponsor, says the Project’s progression is tied to engage the AC community and committed R3 Team members.

“I want to offer a sincere thank you to the R3 Project team for their dedicated work and continued collaboration with Thesis and our AC Community,” says Stanbra. “Everyone has worked very hard during the most recent phase of the project, and this next milestone takes us one step closer to bringing our project objectives to life.”

The goal of the R3 Project is to replace the current Student Information System (GeneSIS) and the related student portal (ACSIS) with a new, cloud-based Student Information System, Thesis SM. The R3 Project also includes reviewing and redesigning Algonquin College’s Business Processes.

By the end of the Design and Develop Phase, the following milestones will be complete:

  • Business Processes built and designed (which will be ready for walkthroughs)
  • Configurations for Thesis SM implemented
  • Data migrations mapped and tested
  • Required data for systems that currently ‘talk’ with GeneSIS (e.g., Salesforce) has moved to a secure Integration platform for future information sharing with Thesis SM
  • The AC-specific approach and plan for Thesis SM training finalized
  • Continued engagement across College departments and faculties

The Design and Develop Phase is set to run until May 2024, which then leads to the Technical Testing Phase. With a set date to wrap up the R3 Project in 2025, Algonquin College President and CEO Claude Brulé applauds those involved.

“I would like to acknowledge the unwavering efforts of the R3 Project team and our AC colleagues who have played a role in this college-wide project,” says Brulé. “Because of your work, we are getting closer to reimagining the future and bringing the R3 vision to life, which is to rethink how we work, redesign our processes, and reimagine how we serve and interact with our learners.”


If you’re wondering where you can find more information about the Project, then the R3 Project FAQ and Glossary sections are great resources!


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