Five common questions about our new SIS, Thesis SM

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With the implementation of a new Student Information System (SIS) comes a lot of questions, and—we get it—there’s a lot of information to digest.

A big part of the R3 Project is the implementation of a new Student Information System, and today, we want to focus on the new, cloud-based SIS, Thesis Student Management (or more commonly referred to as Thesis SM). We’ve compiled five commonly asked questions about Thesis SM that we hope will bring you clarity:

Is R3 the name of the new Student Information System we’re using?

No. R3 refers to the name of the College Transformation Project: the R3 Project.

This project includes several components, such as the Student Information System (SIS) replacement and the redesigning of our Business Processes.

Thesis SM is the name of the new SIS product, and Thesis is the vendor providing the new SIS.

Will Thesis SM integrate with Brightspace? If so, what is the timeline?

That’s the plan!

We are also looking into additional integration capabilities that would facilitate pulling grades directly from Brightspace. These additional capabilities aim to reduce faculty time spent on the grade entry process, leaving only the approval process, which we could automate through the use of automations within Thesis SM.

All this work will be prioritized and discussed in the coming months as we start to build out Thesis SM and work through the integrations with other platforms and how they impact Business Processes.

How will the Thesis SM application address the limitations in GeneSIS regarding special requirements for courses that are taking different pathways?

One of our goals is to improve the registration activity. The R3 Project team has been working with our business experts to document existing challenges within the GeneSIS platform. During the Discovery Phase, we have gained a better understanding of Thesis SM, and we can then address these challenges in the Design and Develop Phase.

Can the Thesis SM application be accessed through different devices?

Yes, Thesis SM should be available on any application and device, including desktop or laptop computers, tablets, and smartphones.

Will the Thesis SM application experience for Mac users be similar to that of Windows users?

The College has policies identifying systems that are supported by our Information Technology Services (ITS) department. These policies will include how Thesis SM will be supported for Mac OS. ITS recognizes that there has been an increase in the number of people using Mac OS and is reviewing these guidelines.


There you have it: five commonly asked questions about Thesis SM.

You can check out the FAQ page on the R3 Project website to find a list of our most commonly asked questions. It’s a great place to start looking if you have questions (because we have answers!).

Additionally, don’t miss our next R3 Showcase Event to receive important updates and learn more about the R3 Project. We’ll also be happy to answer any questions that you might have.

The next R3 Showcase is set for Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 at 10 a.m.


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