How Algonquin College will review and redesign Business Processes

R3 Project Business Processes

As a key focus of the R3 Project, we’re reviewing and redesigning our Business Processes in order to find ways to increase student success and satisfaction, improve employee satisfaction and productivity, and more.

Now, you might be asking yourself: how are we actually doing that?

Great question! To help provide some clarity on how we plan to achieve this Project goal, we’re going to break it down for you, step by step.

The diagram provides the five general steps we’ll take at Algonquin College when reviewing and/or redesigning our Business Processes. And while there will be various areas where we’ll review Business Processes—including Admissions, Financial Aid and Curriculum—this is essentially the same process we’ll adopt for each process review.

Here is a quick breakdown of the five steps to R3 Business Processes:

Step 1: Standard Business Process Walkthrough

At Algonquin, we have spent time learning the standard processes that come with our new Student Information System, Thesis Student Management (Thesis SM) and comparing them to our current processes. The vendor, Thesis, has also spent time understanding the unique requirements of the College. Throughout this process, we have been identifying opportunities for innovation.

Step 2: Compare with Current Business Processes

This is where we compare our existing processes to the ones that come with Thesis SM. In this step, we also want to see where there may be gaps between these processes.

Step 3: Design Future Business Processes for AC Community and consult with stakeholders

Now, it’s time to draft new Algonquin processes. We start with the standard processes, and there are also several specialized working groups that start to rethink how we work. The draft processes will go to the Implementation Committee for review and discussion.

Step 4: Draft Business Processes and Walkthroughs with AC Community

Once a draft process has been endorsed by the Implementation Committee, it will be shared in an open Draft Business Process Walkthrough. This is important because it gives anyone in the AC Community an opportunity to review the proposed process, ask questions and provide feedback.

Many Business Processes are more complex. If feedback warrants, the Business Process may need refinement. This means that we have to design Future Business Processes and draft Business Processes and Walkthroughs once again.

Step 5: Finalize Future AC Business Processes and approve through governance structure

When the processes are finalized, they will be documented and a recording of the final Business Process will be provided as a learning resource.

Working groups and how they fit into Business Processes

Working groups play a very crucial role when it comes to reviewing Business Processes because they’re the ones who determine new Business Process Drafts. Here are some of the things that working groups do:

  • They first talk about the Current State of the Business Process and what needs to be implemented for the Future State.
  • Working groups also take into consideration what Thesis can do so that the Business Process will match the College’s needs.
  • Once this has been established, they develop a Draft that addresses as many concerns as possible. The goal here is to improve the lives of students and employees!
  • All Business Process Drafts need to go through a chain of approval before a Business Process Walkthrough can be created. Then, the Walkthrough would need to go through another chain of approval.

Also, we’ve asked our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to provide feedback and give us their own, unique perspective on these Business Processes.

This deep dive into how Business Processes work and how it plays a role in the R3 Project is just the tip of the iceberg. As we go through the Design and Develop Phase, we’ll be providing more information about Business Processes and outlining opportunities for feedback.


If you’re wondering where you can find more information about the Project, then the R3 Project FAQ and Glossary sections are great resources!

Additionally, don’t miss our next R3 Showcase Event to receive important updates and learn more about the R3 Project. We’ll also be happy to answer any questions that you might have.

The next R3 Showcase is set for Thursday, Sept. 29 at 10 a.m.


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