Policies and Procedures

  1. General Policy Statement
  2. Purchasing Activities
  3. Local Purchasing & Canadian Content
  4. Donation of Goods & Services
  5. Product Endorsement
  6. AODA Purchasing Process (PDF file)

      1. Algonquin’s acquisition practices shall assist the College achieve its long-term vision, and be consistent with its goals and objectives.
      2. As a publicly funded institution Algonquin College shall maintain high legal, ethical, managerial and professional standards in the management of the financial resources entrusted to it. Specifically the College shall strive to:
        1. Continually lower costs while improving the quality of goods and services acquired.
        2. Develop and maintain good public relations with the vendor community through courtesy, professional competence and high standards of business ethics.
        3. Provide its Staff with tools and training to improve their skills in Purchasing techniques, including negotiating and public relations, as well as the execution of legal contracts, and cost reduction techniques.

    1. 1. The authority and responsibility for purchasing commitments on behalf of the College is vested in the Purchasing Department, with some exception, noted below. Purchasing activity is initiated by College staff through the use of:
      1. Online requisitions, using the College financial system
      2. Procurement card
    2. Other purchasing activities, not executed through the Purchasing Department are:
      1. Acquisitions from College Ancillary Services

    1. Policy Statement
      The College will, without contravention of government regulations and competitive bidding
      policies, give preference to local suppliers and products with higher Canadian content.
    2. Purpose
      To improve supply management efficiency as well as business relations with local suppliers.
    3. Scope
      This policy applies to all of the College’s campuses. Preference will be given to purchase goods and services from suppliers located near the User’s Campus.
  3. Local Purchasing & Canadian Content
    1. Policy Statement
      The donation of goods / services to the College will be processed with the Foundation Office and the Purchasing Department.
    2. Purpose
      To ensure the donation complies with College fixed-asset policies, CCRA regulations, health & safety requirements, and offer good value to the College.
    3. Guidelines
      1. User Departments will forward details of proposed donations to the Purchasing Department for approval and processing prior to making any commitments to the donor.
      2. Purchasing, in conjunction with the User, will determine whether the proposed donation offers value to the College, and should, in fact, be accepted. In making this decision, Purchasing will consider the value of the donation, as well as all associated costs, including:
      3. Responsibility for existing contracts, payment schedules.
      4. Removal, transportation, installation, wiring.
      5. Repair, upgrading, training.
      6. On-going licensing, maintenance contracts.
      7. Cost of new related equipment, accessories, supplies, service.
      8. Purchasing will ensure compliance of the donation with C.S.A., WHMIS and other regulations.
      9. Purchasing will determine the Fair Market Value, obtain independent value assessment if required (see Appendix “A”), and issue a tax receipt, if requested.
      10. Foundation Office will record the donation on a database software (Raiser’s Edge), and provide reports as required.
      11. Foundation Office will send a letter to the donor (usually with the tax receipt) acknowledging the donation and thanking the donor.
      12. If the donation includes equipment deemed by the College to be inventoriable on the Fixed Asset list, Purchasing will provide details to the Fixed Assets Clerk, to ensure that the equipment is recorded promptly.
    1. Policy Statement
      Suppliers shall not use the College name or wordmark without prior authorization by the Purchasing Department.
    2. Purpose
      To protect the College name, reputation and public relations.
    3. Suppliers shall submit to the Purchasing Department a written request for permission if they wish to use Algonquin’s name or wordmark in their publication or advertising.
    4. Suppliers will include a copy of the publication or ad, as well as details about its intended use.
    5. The purchasing Department will review the request, obtain College Management approval, and respond to the supplier in writing.