Sexual Assault and Consent

Know Your Rights

All members of the Algonquin College community have a right to work, study, and socialize in an environment that is free from any form of sexual violence, including (but not limited to) sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, and/or voyeurism.

Sexual assault and sexual violence are unacceptable and will not be tolerated on the campuses of Algonquin College. We are committed to challenging and preventing sexual violence and creating a safe space for all members of the Algonquin College community. Algonquin College has created a clear and powerful directive outlining the rights and responsibilities of all members of the College community with respect to Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence.

If you have been sexually assaulted:

  • Remember, you are not alone and you are not to blame.
  • Stay safe. Contact Security Services or Police if you are concerned about your safety.
  • Consider reporting. Help protect yourself and others by reporting incidents to Security Services or Police.
  • Consider support. Confidential help is available through Counselling Services and the National Sexual Assault Helpline. Find more support resources.
  • Consider medical attention. Health Services and community hospitals can assess and treat injuries, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy – as well as collect key evidence.

Sexual Assault Survivor Information

What is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is any type of unwanted sexual interaction. A sexual assault can range from unwanted touching to sexual penetration. You can find out more in the college directive SA-16

What is Sexual Violence?

Sexual Harassment

What is Relationship Abuse?

What is Consent?


How Can you Help Prevent Sexual Assault?