Do I have to make a formal report, and do I have to include my name? Do I have to include the name of the person who assaulted me?
If you come to Security Services in person, they will request your name. If you chose not to divulge your name, Security Services will take the report as anonymous, but they would not be able to investigate. You can also make an anonymous online report, but again, there will not be an investigation. We ask you to provide the suspect’s name, in order to conduct a risk assessment. If you choose not to disclose the suspect’s name, no investigation will take place. You are also able to make a report to any staff and ask for them not to share your name. Your confidentiality will always be respected.
If I include the name of the person who assaulted me, will they be get kicked out of Residence?
A risk assessment will be conducted which could suggest a suspect is removed from Residence based on procedures. A communication ban, which does not allow the person to speak with you or approach you, can also be issued by Security Services or Residence management for those living in Residence.
If I know the person has done this to other people, will Security Services make me name them and will they be approached?
Security Services aims to provide support to all persons who may be survivors. Security Services will request names of potential survivors and they will be approached. Your name will not be disclosed as the source.
Will police have to be involved?
It is your decision to involve the police, however, if Security Services believes your safety or the safety of the College is at risk, they will call the police.
What do I do if their friends approach me and ask me questions or take their side during the investigation?
If there is evidence of harassment, this can also be reported to Security Services.
What will happen to the person who assaulted me if I make a report? Will they get in trouble?
They will be interviewed regarding the accusation and possibly appear in front of a Student Conduct Board as per Student Conduct Policy SA07. The Student Conduct Board can issue sanctions from warnings to expulsions.
Can I report something that happened off campus or out of Residence?
Yes, and support will always be given, however there may not be grounds for Security Services to investigate if the incident occurred off campus and not at an Algonquin College official function.
If I change my mind after I report, do I have to keep going with the investigation?
No, you can stop an investigation at any time. If the incident raises concerns for your safety or the safety of the College, Security Services may have to continue with the investigation.
I am scared to go to my room or bump into the person on campus. What can I do to feel safe?
Security Services can provide a personalized safety plan for you.
Who can I talk to for support?
Counselling Services, Residence Staff, Security Services, Health Services, the Mamidosewin Centre, and faculty. There are extensive external resources within policy SA16. Counselling Services may also be able to assist you in providing academic accommodations for you.
Can I decide to report later on?
Yes, you can report at any time.
What do I do if the person who assaulted me thinks I reported and the person or their friends retaliate against me?
Security Services would investigate all cases of retaliation, harassment, and bullying. Appropriate sanctions will be given.
What if the sexual violence occurred in the past?
You can report at any time.
Will you have to tell my parents?
What happens during an investigation in the school?
All parties are interviewed (survivor, suspect, and witnesses). CCTV and other evidence are collected and analyzed.
Will the person who assaulted me find out that I reported them?
If you want an investigation, yes.
Who is going to know what happened to me when I make the report?
Security Services keeps all investigations confidential and you will be told if we have to inform someone (Residence management, faculty etc.).
Do you need screenshots of texts, snapchats, and/or DMs to prove they were harassing me? What info should I collect and who do I send it to?
All information showing harassment can be used as evidence to support your claim. Collect all information you believe is relevant and shows harassing behaviour. This information can be shared with Security Services.
Are there any circumstances under which my confidentially will be broken?
Yes. If you are survivor to a serial assaulter or the incident is considered grievous, confidentiality may be broken following a risk assessment.
If I want to move out of Residence because I am worried about running into the perpetrator, can I get my money back? What happens if I drop out of college?
Questions regarding Residence policy should be directed to Residence management. There is a chance you can appeal the cancellation fee and only pay for the days you stayed in Residence. If you remove yourself from Algonquin College, you would need to seek guidance from the Registrar’s Office, or the Office of the Ombudsman.