Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to make a formal report, and do I have to include my name? Do I have to include the name of the person who assaulted me?

If I include the name of the person who assaulted me, will they be get kicked out of Residence?

If I know the person has done this to other people, will Security Services make me name them and will they be approached?

Will police have to be involved?

What do I do if their friends approach me and ask me questions or take their side during the investigation?

What will happen to the person who assaulted me if I make a report? Will they get in trouble?

Can I report something that happened off campus or out of Residence?

If I change my mind after I report, do I have to keep going with the investigation?

I am scared to go to my room or bump into the person on campus. What can I do to feel safe?

Who can I talk to for support?

Can I decide to report later on?

What do I do if the person who assaulted me thinks I reported and the person or their friends retaliate against me?

What if the sexual violence occurred in the past?

Will you have to tell my parents?

What happens during an investigation in the school?

Will the person who assaulted me find out that I reported them?

Who is going to know what happened to me when I make the report?

Do you need screenshots of texts, snapchats, and/or DMs to prove they were harassing me? What info should I collect and who do I send it to?

Are there any circumstances under which my confidentially will be broken?

If I want to move out of Residence because I am worried about running into the perpetrator, can I get my money back? What happens if I drop out of college?