John Tattersall

Physical Resources
I would like to nominate John for his work in delivering the ESCO-II project to the college. Though his commitment to this project, tireless efforts and perseverance, John manage to navigate some very tough obstacles whereas a lesser individual would have given up.
By showing innovative leadership and grace under pressure, John continually puts the college as his first and foremost priority. There were several times during the many months of negotiations where obstacles need to be overcome and even had a change of financial partners midstream, resetting the time lines. John’s drive and ability to find creative solutions to each of these issues was instrumental in preventing the derailment of this project.
And I am sure that John is the only non-lawyer and non-accountant who understands the implication and legal definition of “contingent liability” on the planet.
Nominated by: Eric Hollebone
Presented on: Sept. 25, 2013