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Phil Gaudreau
Over the past 6 months, Phil Gaudreau has been instrumental in launching the Young Professionals association at Algonquin College. Recognizing the need, as identified by the employee engagement survey results, to help foster stronger employee connections, Phil hosted an inaugural information meeting in May to determine interest in the Algonquin community for an association such as the Young Professionals (YP). This meeting was met with resounding enthusiasm and a steering committee was formed. Over the spring and summer, Phil has chaired this committee and, through his leadership, dedication and hard work, has guided the committee in developing a vision and mission statement, as well as, the successful launch of two YP events.
As a committee member, I believe that Phil exemplifies the College’s values of Caring, Learning, Integrity and Respect. His leadership in the YP initiative demonstrates outstanding service to the College community by going above and beyond the call of duty as a communications officer. His efforts are truly helping build a stronger community at Algonquin College.
Nominated by: Erin Whyte
Presented on: December 5, 2014
Kris Greeley
I’ve had the pleasure of partnering with Kris for the past year on the joint ITS/CRM Incident Management project. During this time, Kris consistently went above and beyond to ensure the success of the project, in addition to managing his day-to-day responsibilities. He worked tirelessly to uncover the needs of all ITS employees and of ITS clients. Without this front-line insight, we would never have been able to build the solution that we ultimately delivered. And this was in addition to the work he led to create the new ITS knowledgebase and to streamline service processes. I know there were many, many long days and late nights that Kris put in to help us bring all these components together.
On a more personal level, Kris is a delight to work with. His enthusiasm, sincerity, and dry sense of humour make every meeting more fun for the entire team. He was truly the glue in this project and remained positive and optimistic, even in the face of obstacles. He is truly deserving of recognition as a star in our community.
Nominated by: Laura Campbell
Presented on: October 28, 2014
Roger Heide
Algonquin College Jazan
Over the years I worked with Roger Heide, I have found him an absolute team player. Like all championship teams to be successful you need a great utility player. He has been placed at different positions where he has always performed exceptionally. Whatever position Roger is asked to play he brings his enthusiasm and his organization skills to everything he does. Roger not only has day job with Algonquin College but works around the clock as a Compound Manager. Greeting new employees at the airport or getting them to the airport for vacation is just one of the many tasks Roger does. Roger is very quick to volunteer his help whenever anything is needed even though he has a busy schedule. Whatever Roger does he is a person you can count on.
Roger truly cares about the students and everyone he works with. Algonquin College is very fortunate to have Roger as a team member. Roger is an example of Algonquin’s core values of Caring, Learning, Integrity and Respect. To recognize all Roger’s contribution to the college I would like to nominate him for a Presidents Star Award.
Nomintaed by: Iftekhar Ahmed
Presented on: October 16, 2014
Diana Jerez
Centre for Continuing and Online Learning
As the Winter 2014 semester came to an end, CCOL faced a challenge with a key member of the team away on medical leave just before the exam sessions were scheduled. With over 300 proctored and over 1100 on campus exams requiring preparation, sorting, sending and filing that is generally completed over the course of several weeks, Diana Jerez stepped up to the task. With only a week until our students would be writing their exams at the Woodroffe, Perth & Pembroke campuses and countless locations worldwide, Diana gave us the confidence that the job would get done.
Diana has worked within the Centre for Continuing and Online Learning in several part-time positions including exam coordinator, where she was a key contributor to the review of processes to increase efficiency and productivity and streamline the examination process for both students and proctors. She never fails to show unfailing dedication to our students and ensuring their success.
Diana is a team player and a key contributor to many of the department’s successes and we appreciate the dedication she has shown to the college and its students. We feel that Diana exemplifies the core values of the college and is the perfect candidate for a President’s Star Award.
Nominated by: Sharon Rendle
Presented on: October 15, 2014
Emem Inyang and Julie Dugas
Financial Aid
I would like to acknowledge two outstanding colleagues – Emem Inyang and Julie Dugas, Financial Aid Officers, who deserve the President’s Star award.
At Algonquin College, we all have an opportunity to change and transform a student(s) life. Emem and Julie make a difference in many students’ lives, but I want to reflect on my personal experience assisting a single mom, who was enrolled in her last semester at Algonquin College. She is on her own with her five-year old son; her extended family is in Brazil.
The 2014 Winter term was her final and most difficult term at Algonquin College. There was a major issue with her funding, no fault of her own, and it took several weeks to rectify. In that time Emem and Julie supported her as much as possible. At a critical time when the student had just $20 in her bank account, she received gift cards from the Financial Aid Office, so she could buy food for her and her five-year old son. The student also received an emergency bursary to help cover her bills. Financial support was important but was not the only one that the student needed. She needed a loving hearth, a helping hand, a word of encouragement.
Emem and Julie regularly encouraged the student to stay in school, try her best, and not to give up on her last semester. She was just two courses shy of graduation. Emem and Julie believed in her and exemplified our shared commitments to student success and the College’s core values of Caring, Learning, Integrity, and Respect. Emem communicated with the Student Success Specialist and counselling to inform them of some of the concerns about the student’s wellbeing and to keep the lines of communication open between departments.
Julie Dugas went above and beyond to help the student. She would regularly see her coming into the Financial Aid office to update her OSAP file. This relationship grew into a friendship and Julie would purchase groceries for the student and her son so they had food in the house while living on limited funds. One night, Julie was out with friends and told them about the struggles one of her students was experiencing. They decided to get a bunch of household items together and Julie delivered them to the student.
Julie introduced the student to some of her friends who had children the same age as the student’s son and they began having play dates. This greatly helped the student because she could speak to other mothers who were going through similar situations and she enjoyed seeing her son making new friends. These are just a few examples of Julie’s kindness. The true value of Julie’s friendship occurred during the moments she spent encouraging the student, listening to her without judgment, letting her cry on her shoulder and being there to watch her receive her diploma. Julie went above and far beyond her duties as financial officer.
Emem and Julie truly deserve this recognition. They have been exceptionally helpful in supporting students. They work with passion and with joy. A true testament of our College values!
Nominated by: Nastia Touhlova
Presented on: October 15, 2014
Sam Gauvreau
Algonquin College Jazan
I first met Sam Gauvreau when he joined Algonquin College in 2009 as a new full-time faculty member in the Electrical Technician Program. Coming to us from a long and successful career in industry, Sam immediately impressed me with his commitment and desire to embrace his second career as a teacher. Always with the students’ success in the forefront, Sam availed himself of every bit of professional learning he could; he is one of the few full-time faculty at the College who has successfully completed the Teaching Adult Lifelong Learners (TALL) program.
So, it was no surprise that when the College began the delivery of the Electrical and Mechanical Technician programs in Jazan, Saudi Arabia, Sam put up his hand up to become involved. His first year in Saudi saw him bring his industry and teaching expertise to the curriculum and its delivery. In addition to his teaching duties, Sam led and supported the growth and development of the campus. The change Sam saw occurring through the College’s efforts in Saudi enticed him to commit to a second secondment, this time for 2 years. As an Academic Chair and Dean during this time, Sam built upon the academic foundation in place and witnessed the graduation of 18 students from the Electrical and Mechanical Technician Program in August 2014 — students who a mere 3 years ago came to AC Jazan speaking no English and possessing no trades expertise.
I am proud to have had the opportunity to work beside Sam over the past few years. I have come to know Sam as a man who embodies the values of Caring, Learning, Integrity and Respect, as a tireless champion of student support and success, and as a valued colleague. A passage from the Valedictorian speech of the 2014 graduates from the Jazan campus says it all:
…from this moment on, at this time I proudly give the students of Algonquin College Jazan a name. A name I believe we earned and truly deserve it. The name is Algonquin Jazan nation. Yes, people should know us as Algonquin Jazan nation. I felt proud and honoured when people asked me where I was studying or which college I will graduate from … . Loudly I want to say thank you to our backbone staff and faculty, thank you to those who are still here and those who gave us their time to educate us, open our minds and imparted knowledge. Those who taught us the industrial skills and made the keys to open our future by ourselves. Thank you for all the great things you provide.
It is with honour that I nominate Sam Gauvreau for a President’s Star Award.
Nominated by: Anonymous
Presented on: September 24, 2014
Tony Verge
Registrar’s Office
Tony Verge has always been dedicated to both the staff he manages and the students he has helped through the years he has been working at Algonquin College. As the Manager of the Contact Centre and Service Counter of the Registrar’s Office, Tony Verge stands behind and practices the core values of the College to ensure that students have the best service given to them. On many occasions Tony has helped students on the front counter of the Registrar’s Office during peak times when there are massive line-ups and many confused students. He always treats each student with respect and has a friendly smile to make them feel more comfortable. During busy times, Tony gives out his personal business card to students waiting in line to pay fees or withdraw from classes on the due dates to allow them to return the next day without any penalization.
Tony truly understands his business and ensures the job is done accurately and efficiently, but also understands the human aspect of the role. Any student he deals with, he uses empathy and understanding to provide those students with the best service possible. Many times he gets called to the Service Counter to provide service to an upset student, and every time he handles that situation with tact, diplomacy and understanding. He goes above and beyond to help that student and provide them with the information they require or help them solve the problem that they were facing.
Tony has been a member of many committees within the College demonstrating his dedication to making processes within the College system better for students and staff. He has been an active member of the Wayfinding Committee, College Job Evaluation Committee (CJEC), Space Reconfiguration Committee, Emergency Preparedness Committee and Social Committee. He’s worked on many projects within the College to create new communication techniques for students and also to upgrade internal processes.
Tony has an open door policy which allows his team, as well as anyone else who needs to talk to him, a warm and welcome atmosphere to discuss anything. He truly cares about everyone he works with, whether they are on his team, in the rest of the Registrar’s Office, or throughout the College. Tony is an amazing member of the Algonquin College team and the College is truly lucky to have him here. I sincerely believe he should be recognized with a President’s Star Award for all that he has done for the College.
Nominated by: Amanda Wahab
Presented on: September 24, 2014
Jay McLaren
Algonquin College in the Ottawa Valley, BTOT
We would like to nominate part-time faculty member Jay McLaren at the Pembroke Campus for a President’s Star Award.
Jay has been a valued member of faculty for 16 years, bringing 35 years of business experience to students across several programs including Business, Forestry, Outdoor Adventure and Motive Power Technician.
He remains very engaged in the College, going over and above his teaching duties in his involvement in various activities and events, and particularly in support of students.
Jay teaches Soils and Forest Ecosystems to Forestry Technician students and supports their Loggersports Competitions (a varsity sport), even travelling to Montreal and Lindsay on the weekends they compete to cheer on our Algonquin College team. At the beginning of the school year, he and his wife host an orientation dinner at their home along the Ottawa River, an ideal way to welcome new students and make them feel a part of the Pembroke community. When the Loggersports team holds a fundraising dinner every year, Jay cooks up some of his famous biscuits and brings a special dish for the potluck supper.
A staunch believer in volunteerism at the College and in the community, Jay was instrumental in establishing a Circle K Club at the Pembroke Campus, a student volunteer organization affiliated with Kiwanis. Circle K helps college students with leadership development by demonstrating community service and friendships with other Circle K members and they can work on both local as well as international projects.
Most recently, on behalf of Algonquin, he hosted Ed Lawrence, the CBC radio gardening guru, who was a guest speaker at one of our Algonquin College Speaker Series, and at the community presentation, introduced his lecture and promoted our campus and upcoming night courses to an engaged audience.
Jay is most deserving of recognition for all that he does at Algonquin College—for the excellent role model he portrays to students and for how he represents us in the community. He truly embodies the College’s values of “caring, learning, integrity, and respect” and is an ideal candidate for a President’s Star Award.
Thank you for your consideration.
Nominated by: Jane Hebert and Melissa Brasch
Presented on: June 17, 2014
Melissa Malloy & Anabella Arcaya
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Learning & Teaching Services
Melissa Malloy and Anabella Arcaya demonstrate superb customer service skills in their roles as Learning Technologists at the College. Melissa and Anabella have continuously demonstrated their commitment to employee development and growth by helping the COL design and create promotional materials to advertise our programs and events for support and administrative staff and faculty. They also help facilitate a variety of digital technology workshops and one-on-one training sessions to support faculty in their use of digital technology.
Over the past number of months, Melissa and Anabella have been exceptionally resourceful in making the COL vision for the Professor of the 21st Century Resource website tangible. As described by one faculty member in the School of Business, “Thank you, thank you, thank you for organizing the content in such a way that not only was I able to find what I wanted in just a couple of clicks, but also each section is designed to be clear, concise and accessible….I could live in this new site.” Melissa and Anabella’s extensive skills in digital technology and their expertise in web design are instrumental to the success of our website.
Additionally, Melissa and Anabella’s work in the design and production of the Professor of the 21st Century Framework Resource Book was fundamental to the vision of the COL. We wanted to create a resource supplement for the website to help assist staff and faculty. Melissa and Anabella’s enthusiasm, creativity and commitment to designing and executing quality resources exemplify our core values of caring, learning, integrity and respect.
It is with great pleasure that the gang in the COL nominate Melissa and Anabella for the President’s Star Award.
Nominated by: Nicole Sammut
Presented on: June 20, 0214
Joel Nethercote-Devlin
Student Support Services
Peer Tutoring currently runs out of one of the Mobile Learning Centres on campus. On numerous occasions over the last year students from Mobile Programs have been sent to Joel’s office to assist them with their Mobile Program Concerns or needs as different departments assume that is where the students need to go. Although this is not his role at Algonquin, Joel has helped the students by keeping them in his office until he has the name of the proper person who is best suited to help them with their concern and only then does he direct them to the specific room and person who is expecting them to help them with the problem.
When Joel started in his current role he identified a hold up that was stopping students from accessing peer tutoring. Through collaboration with Card Services Joel is working to give students more access to tutoring through the development of creating a payment system through the Student One Card that allows students to draw money directly off their student card to pay for tutoring. Joel has also started work on creating an online Peer Tutoring System that will allow Algonquin CCOL students all over the world to access the tutoring services offered at Algonquin’s Woodroffe campus.
Working in the mobile learning Centre Joel interacts with Students on a constant basis. During exams Students congregate in the Mobile lab area while working on projects. This year a student was feeling very overwhelmed and was visibly upset. Joel approached the student and spoke with her for a few minutes, Once the student had calmed down a bit Joel accompanied her up to the Welcome desk to get her connected with Counselling Services.
I feel that Joel embraces the Colleges core values, and it shows in the people he has touched over the years he has worked here in his various roles.
Nominated by: Dale Chimirri
Presented on: June 16, 2014
Jonathan Allsopp
Sales and Student Recruitment
Jonathan Allsopp is one of the College’s Recruiters in the Sales and Recruitment Department. Jonathan is a terrific ambassador to represent Algonquin College and uses his charisma, energy and caring personality to connect with prospective students, colleagues and the community at large. He goes above and beyond to support anyone and everyone he comes in contact with, without hesitation. We have personally been the benefactors of this support for the many events held on campus. There are certain event tasks that become time-consuming and challenging when there are so many other little details to sort through on event day. Jonathan is always there to say, “What do you need?” and then carries on those “not-so glamorous” tasks with a smile.
But one of the main reasons we wanted to nominate Jonathan for a President’s Star is a simple act of kindness he orchestrated last fall with other recruiters of the 2013 CIP tour. Jonathan engaged recruiters from at least five other Colleges across Ontario to collect all of their little shampoo/soap/moisturizer cream sample-size hygiene products you get at hotels and donated them to ‘Operation Come Home’. Together, they collected over 480 little products. This simple act of kindness organized by Jon and carried out with the help of his peers helped make a difference in the lives of both those that received the donation, and those that participated in the collection. Fellow recruiters have already started collecting products from their personal and professional hotel stays in anticipation for next year!
Nominated by: Chris Brennan and Shelley Teskey
Presented on: May 27, 2014
Linda Crane
Information & Communications Technology
I would like to nominate Linda Crane for a President’s Star award.
Linda is a caring individual as a professor, academic coach and program coordinator within the department of Information and Communications Technology at Algonquin College.
Linda always goes out of her way to help students in need. As a professor, coordinator and academic adviser Linda is able to provide timely support to students who may have unique needs or are in serious trouble and or in danger of dropping out. As well she will answer and respond back to e-mails at all hours of the day and weekend.
As the student success specialist for the Faculty of Technology and Trades it is a pleasure to work with Linda as the students’ needs are always a priority. She provides assistance to students both academically and as a “mom” to them as well. Just recently we were dealing with a student who had serious medical issues and she continued to keep in touch with the student to ensure his safety and that he was well taken care of.
Linda participates in student events within her department and is always ready to give a helping hand with a smile!
In collaboration working with Linda, her expertise plays a significant role in helping students adjust to college life and reduce the confusion of many first year students. Continually Linda is upgrading her skills and tools to provide an ongoing commitment to all that work with her.
Linda’s knowledge and experience about Algonquin College makes her a “key” candidate for this award. She consistently demonstrates Algonquin’s core values of caring, learning, integrity and respect for students, faculty and staff.
Nominated by: Lisa Lamb
Presented on: May 22, 2014
Dan Cuddy
Student Support Services
Academic Partnerships would like to recognize and thank Dan Cuddy for his engagement in the AC community. Dan works at the college as the student success specialist for student services as well as a professor at the College.
Dan’s commitment to student success is not only evident in his everyday work, but in his ‘here to help’ attitude in supporting other College departments. Academic Partnerships has benefited from this help through support of our orientation and transition programming for dual credit and Pathways students. Most recently, Academic Partnerships hosted a series of orientation events on campus for dual credit students that participate in college courses off site at their high schools. As our guest facilitator, Dan led an interactive student panel discussion session that gave our students an inside look at College life. His involvement and perspective as a student success specialist and professor ensured that students walked away with a meaningful experience. One student wrote that the panel session was their favourite part of the day because they got to learn “what college is really like and how to prepare for it.” Dan’s ability to connect with the students and his willingness to share personal experiences through humour and honesty has helped many direct-entry students better understand and plan for their future success in post-secondary.
We thank Dan for his embodiment of our College values and nominate him for the President’s Star Award.
Nominated by: Tracy Norris
Presented on: May 22, 2014
Monique Bergeron
Media and Design
There is a saying that it takes a village to raise a child. The School of Media and Design is quite the opposite. This village has been raised in no small measure by our amazing Monique Bergeron. She is well admired by all for her outstanding dedication and service of 32 years to Algonquin College. She exemplifies excellence, teamwork and goes above and beyond the expectations of her job. Monique is always ready to tackle anything that comes her way and works amazingly under the ever changing and demanding pressures in Media Studies.
Monique’s contribution to the department is too numerous to document. She mentors students, is a generous and prime source of information for all faculty and students. She brings team spirit and joy during the school’s air band activities including playing the Wicked Witch and one of the Supremes.
Monique exemplifies excellence. Her work is perfect! She has been an amazing proof reader and editor and goes above and beyond her duties to help everyone; faculty and students included. She is our “Mom” and we will miss her dearly when she retires.
Monique was the force behind the precursor to the School of Media and Design’s food bank for students. Her generosity and organizational abilities knew no boundaries when it came to creating amazing baskets for our students in need during the holidays. Many children of our students had gifts at Christmas because of Monique’s incredible drive to make everyone’s life better.
Monique also mentored students and helped them out financially when it came to student fundraising. She patiently helped numerous students learn a new skill. This was all over and above her already incredibly busy job. She is the role model for our school and has taught many the core College values of caring, learning, integrity and respect.
Nominated by: Cath Kenney
Presented on: May 22, 2014
Kent MacDonald
I am writing to nominate Dr. Kent MacDonald for a President’s Star Award. I believe Kent embodies everything the Star award stands for; a commitment to excellence and outstanding service. Kent has been our President for a short time but has made such a huge impact on all of us. As a leader, he has brought us into new directions, but his role has been of service to the college, to his staff and faculty and to our students. He recognizes the importance of open communication and seeks input from everyone. He respects our contribution and works on implementing the improvements we suggest. His authentic leadership style, which is open and transparent, was demonstrated in the Town Hall meetings where all employees could bring their questions to the executive. He demonstrates the college value of caring; he demonstrates his desire to connect with us every day, by chatting in the hallways, dropping into our classrooms, or conversing over Twitter.
Kent knows that post-secondary education is a powerful force that can transform not just our community but the world. His passion for Algonquin College is undeniable. He knows and acknowledges the work that faculty and staff do for the students, and he shares the stories people tell him about Algonquin College. These stories are about real people, real lives, and how their studies at Algonquin had changed their life. These stories inspired us to continue to do what we do, help and teach students, and be a part of their lives.
We appreciate Kent’s honesty about the financial constraints we are up against, but he delivers this message with a positive outlook and gives us the confidence that we can address these challenges together. In facing our challenges, it was clear that Kent had a vision for what we could accomplish and he gave us the tools to get there. Kent is not in it for himself; he shares the credit for the college’s successes with all of us. I think this is one of the reasons we were honoured with the top 25 employers award this year.
Above all, through his warmth, openness, and sense of humour, Kent inspired us to be the best we could be. That is the sign of a true leader.
Nominated By: Helena Merriam
Presented on: May 15, 2014
Louise Eldred and
Amy Duffy
Registrar’s Office – Financial Aid
The Financial Aid Officers in the Registrar’s Office would like to nominate our front line part time staff. Without these special ladies, we would not be able to do our jobs smoothly. They daily demonstrate our core values of Caring, Learning, Integrity and Respect.
Louise Eldred and Amy Duffy are part of the Financial Aid Team and are the first point of contact for our office. The environment within the Financial Aid office can be one of extreme stress for students. However, when students come to our office, Louise and Amy are always waiting with a smile and a positive attitude. These ladies have the ability to calm the students and reassure them our office will do everything they can to assist them
Both have experienced cases of students that have not eaten for possibly days. They have been known to share their own lunch, solicit funds as well as advocate for emergency measures to ensure a student’s health and well being remains a priority. A true testament of our College values! They are true masters in providing information and knowledge to students in a way that they fully understand what they need to do to help themselves in stressful times.
Their job is to take the stress away from our students. Both Louise and Amy also provide important and ongoing clerical support to our Financial Aid Donor Bursary sector. The clerical work in this area is both time sensitive and highly structured. Louise and Amy can always be counted on to deliver accurate bursary decisions within tight deadlines. The support they provide is critical to the timely release of donor bursary funds to our students in need.
Thank you for considering these two amazing women for this award.
Nominated by: Rhonda Patterson on behalf of the Financial Aid team
Presented on: May 15 , 2014
TSEC-Major Electrical Shutdown Project Team
Physical Resources
I would like to recognize the members of the team that participated in the Major Electrical Shutdown Project during the August 2013 long weekend. Rudy Huber, Brian Kavanagh, Victor Buglar, Don Moberg, Mike Weiser, John Hanson, Helmut Walter and Simon Legace are part of the Physical Resources, Technical Services and Energy Conservation Team.
This team volunteered to work during the entire August long weekend to replace major electrical equipment that was original to the college in 1964. This project was valued at $400K and involved both College staff and the coordination of 25 external contractors. The project ran non-stop from Friday evening to Monday evening. The timeline was so tight that these team members slept and ate at work over these 4 days to meet the equipment installation deadline, allowing the college to open on Tuesday morning.
It is easy t o overlook the behind-the-scenes employees who are so critical to keeping the campus safe and secure. As this team proved, they will go well beyond their regular duties to keep Algonquin College running as a first class institution for our students.
Nominated by: Grant Perry
Presented on: April 30, 2014
Gabriella Fazekas and Lisa Limbeek
To say there has been only one instance that has stood out for us would be an understatement. They have been there to answer all our questions as silly as we may think they are.
Gabi and Lisa know their jobs and are always ready to help. When notified of a new employee they are very fast to respond so that the authorization can be entered. This ensures that the employee can start accessing College systems and services quickly.
Several months ago, the Solar Decathlon group travelled to California to represent the College. Ongoing expenditures were incurred by staff and students. Gabi and Lisa were quick to ensure out of pocket expenses were reimbursed promptly.
No matter what questions you have, they are always on the other end to explain how things work, making sure the employee gets all entitlements. When an employee has a payroll question for us we are quick to refer them to Gabi and Lisa who intern answer the employee’s questions. They are both great mentors to Nancy and myself allowing us to grow and answer the next employee that might ask the same question.
We have found them to be very helpful, displaying the Colleges Here 2 Help as well as the Core Values – Caring, Learning, Integrity, and Respect.
Nominated by: Paula Neumann and Nancy Caithness
Presented on: April 24, 2014
Colin Bonang
Safety, Security and Emergency Management
Colin has shown an ongoing attention to detail in his approach to issues that impact greatly on staff and student safety and security. He is always available to provide expert advice that is sound, defensible and collegial at all hours of the day and night.
Colin participates actively in the Student Conduct, Behavioral management and Student Conduct Policy review so that sound, effective policy that reflects the core values of the college is developed and implemented.
On many occasions, I have witnessed Colin as he has responded forthrightly and with integrity to staff and student concerns on many issues. He always handles difficult situations with dignity, humility and integrity.
He has been complicit in the development of best-practice policy pertaining to both risk management and emergency management and has shown a dedication to a safer environment in this regard. I have also worked side by side with Colin during two emergency management incident that resulted in evacuations and I found that he that he managed these very effectively and concisely with due consideration to all hazards, college safety and college reputation.
During a recent mentoring exercise through staff development, Colin’s interactions with his mentor and the students within Applied Research was so effective that it is a case study on how mentoring should be carried forward. His opinions and insights on mentoring are worthy or recognition and consideration.
Colin is immensely patient and understanding with staff, students and others who often have complex and difficult concerns surrounding college practices and decisions. He is always positive and is highly motivating in his management strategies and in his daily interactions with all levels of staff.
Colin is a true role model and personifies our College values in the exercise of his role as Associate Director of Safety Security and Emergency Management.
Nominated by: Earl Green
Presented on: April 4, 2014
Balraj (raj) Singh
Raj is a Technical Client Representative with ITS. I have taken over a new project and it requires a lot of technical assistance to get setup. Over the past few weeks I have spoken to Raj a lot. He provides great assistance, and tries to help even if it is not within his scope. This morning I was running out of time to do a presentation on SharePoint to a committee, I had a work order in but was not getting a rep fast enough. I call ITS help desk and how happy I was when Raj picked up, after letting him know I was on a tight deadline he decided to try and help me; even though the project was assigned to a specialist. He was able to provide me with great support and I was able to do my presentation and now I’m ready to do this 6 month long project. This is just one of the many times he has provided great, professional…and courteous service, this time it made all the other times stand out.
Nominated by: Janice Pryce
Presented on: April 2, 2014
Joanne Chartrand
Registrar’s Office
On behalf of the Registrar’s Office, Client Service Representative Team, we are honoured to nominate Joanne Chartrand, Client Service Officer for the President’s Star Award.
The Client Service Representative Team is most grateful for the opportunity to work with a colleague who exemplifies the Registrar’s Office Here to Help motto.
Joanne’s solid foundation of knowledge, patience and understanding makes her an invaluable resource for the CSR team. She respects that working as a team completes the process in establishing outstanding communication and cooperation all in the interest of superior client service. During peak times such as start of term, fees due and late applicant period she consistently assists the entire team to ensure efficient, optimum client service.
Her role within the Registrar’s Office demands a high level of dedication and professionalism and Joanne consistently performs her duties with both. Time after time, Joanne’s commitment to our team is exemplified when clients contact our Contact Centre and state that they have made a mistake on their application. Joanne ensures that the client receives the best service possible and resolves any issues efficiently, with tact and diplomacy.
Each client transaction, be it internal or external, is treated equitably with grace and good humour. Even though the pods in C150 don’t have doors, Joanne maintains an open door policy that ensures she is always approachable.
With more than 25 years of experience at the College, she is highly respected by her colleagues. Joanne is most deserving of the President’s Star Award and it is our absolute pleasure to nominate her.
Nominated by: Registrar’s Office, Client Service Representative Team
Presented on: Presented: April 2, 2014
Shelley Teskey
Shelley Teskey is the College’s Inside Sales Representative in the Recruitment Department. She’s done an amazing job at organizing a new Student Ambassador Call Centre, and has taken over the coordination of the College’s many recruitment tours, yet Shelley goes above and beyond her role, it seems, on a daily basis! For example, even though giving tours is officially not her responsibility (she’s the coordinator, not the provider!), she is often providing tours to prospective students and their families who ‘have just dropped by’ and ‘could they please have a tour right now?’ In most cases, the recruiters are all out on the road and the Student Ambassadors are in class, so Shelley steps away from her job and happily takes the group on an immediate tour. As a matter of fact, over the Christmas Break, a family called and said they were going to be in town and really wanted a tour of the College. Even though the College was closed, Shelley came in on her own time (got her parents to babysit her children) and gave the tour to help out the family!
On another occasion, one of the faculty marketing officers was called away on a family emergency, but she was expecting a full school to come in for a special tour. The officer called on Shelley, who once again took care of everything, leaving the faculty marketing officer able to leave without having to worry.
Just another small example of her team spirit was one day when we were getting ready to welcome a Minister and at the last minute, the plans changed and we needed to put up directional signage to alert the guests of the change. We had almost no time, so we asked Shelley to help and she dropped what she was doing and put up the signs all on her own! (If anyone has ever had to put up directional signs here at the College, you’ll know this is very time consuming and not a fun job!)
Shelley is proactive, she’s a team player and an absolute pleasure to work with! She truly personifies the College’s core values of caring, learning, integrity and respect, and she is so deserving of a President’s Star for all the things she does over and above the call of duty!
Nominated by: Chris Brennan and Diane Banks
Presented on: March 28, 2014
Susan Tait
Human Resources
We all know Algonquin College is a top employer in Ottawa, and everyone in Ottawa now knows it. That is, in no small part, thanks to Susan Tait. Susan’s efforts on our application, her persistence in getting information we needed to file (while not spoiling the surprise), and her attention to detail was critical to our success in making the Top 25 employers list. Susan kept the conversation going and helped us all to remain on track right up until that rather weighty application was sent on its way to Toronto. It was also her institutional knowledge and ability to reach out (again, without spoiling the surprise!) and gather all the information about the exciting initiatives going on for employees across the College, and to then help to condense it down into the application’s format, that helped tell the Algonquin story in a way that was compelling and impressive to the judges.
It was also her work after the application that helped keep us all on track – between liaising between our department and the editorial writers at the Citizen, ensuring we were meeting deadlines to allow for proper judging, and once again that fabulous attention to detail, Susan’s efforts helped make sure we had such a great announcement to share back on February 4.
Thank you Susan for all that you do in support of our community!
Nominated by: Phil Gaudreau
Presented on: March 19, 2014
Eli Glanz
Parking, Locker, Coin-ops, Card Services
“You only get one chance to make a first impression.”
When it comes to making positive first impressions on new employees to Algonquin College, I can’t think of anyone who does it better than Eli Glanz. Every second Monday of each and every month of the year, Eli attends the New Employee Orientation session and provides a great service that goes far to make each new employee feel welcomed. Above and beyond his job duties in card services, Eli ensures that all new employees are photographed and receive a new employee card on their very first day of employ. What better way to make a new employee feel like part of the team than to make her/him a card-carrying member! And Eli does this with grace and charm and humour, putting even the most camera-shy employee at complete ease. He is respectful, patient, and above all, professional.
Eli is one of the many at Algonquin who quietly and without fanfare make a difference in the lives of others; for our new hires, Eli provides a friendly welcome to all. It is my pleasure to nominate Eli Glanz, a member of the Ancillary Services team, for a President’s Star Award.
Nominated by: Anonymous
Presented on: March 17, 2014
Kathy Luengas-Santos
Over the past week Kathy has assisted students and staff in the Police Foundations Program through a very challenging transition phase. Of our original seven Sections of Level 1 Police Foundations Program students, two Sections were eliminated due to a variety of reasons. All Level 2 students were allocated into the remaining five Sections of the program. This impacted about one half of our Police Foundations Level 2 students directly, and the other fifty percent of students indirectly.
Student requests to incorporate personal needs, family needs, transportation issues, and work schedules were addressed by Kathy, so that the vast majority of student requests were accommodated. Kathy spent long hours at our front desk dealing with anxious and often demanding students. She was patient, cheerful, and willing to continue assisting students during her scheduled breaks, and beyond her normal work day hours.
Kathy’s ability to navigate GeneSIS, and to regularly find acceptable alternatives for students was outstanding. She kept in constant contact with the Registrar’s Office, and with our students and staff to be sure that each student request was dealt with fairly and within the bounds of program expectations. Often, Kathy would be dealing with students who thought that they were going to have to drop their courses or chose between classes and employment.
Through constant contact with our students via email, Blackboard, and the distribution of alerts and program changes via Twitter and ACSIS, Kathy was able to keep students and staff in touch with our changes, and allowed us to quickly address each student’s unique needs.
As a new coordinator in Police Foundations, it is a constant challenge for me to know exactly what policies and procedures I need to follow to ensure that students are treated failry. Over the past two weeks I have regulary relied on Kathy to answer my questions, and she always responded with a smile and a positive attitude.
In closing, Kathy mades it possible for all Police Foundation staff to meet student needs in a caring and respectful manner.
Nominated by: Lindsay Harris
Presented on: March 12, 2014
Mara Lowrey
Mara’s dedication to student and community engagement shone brightly during the 2014 Winter Games when she spearheaded the official AC Olympics Viewing HQ. From February 10-21, the Marketplace Food Court was transformed into a place of Olympic and Canadian pride — a true oasis at the Woodroffe campus.
The initiative featured three screens of Olympic action, plus giveaways, activities, special seating, and even Olympic rings she had made out of hula-hoops. It brought many areas of the College together and even offered our Radio Broadcasting students the opportunity to set-up live remotes and emcee some events.
Moreover, the students’ and employees’ excitement was palpable, spreading through the campus and even into social media. Here’s a collection of tweets singing the College’s praises around this initiative:
The Olympics are a special time every four years and Mara helped rally the entire AC Community behind Team Canada. Her commitment to enhancing the student experience and building community is truly inspiring.
Nominated by: Liz Babiak
Presented on: March 11, 2014
Carmela Paz
This is a long overdue nomination, but better late than never!
Last May, when we were getting ready for the President’s BBQ, we were having a lot of trouble getting the PowerPoint slide questions to work properly for the instant polling we were planning to do at the BBQ. No matter how hard we tried, it just wasn’t working and time was marching on! On the recommendation of a colleague, we called Carmela Paz, a Project Control Officer in ITS, to see if she could come down to the Marketplace Food Court and help us out.
Carmela did come down, probably around 2:00 p.m. and ended up staying until about 6:30 p.m. She was so amazing, calm and persistent in her efforts. She could see how important this was and she wasn’t going to leave until the problem was solved. After many trials and experiments, she was able to find a work around and my heart resumed normal beating!
Carmela knew our (well, mine!) anxiety level was still a bit up there and gave us her cell number in case we had issues later in the evening during the rest of our set up. As with anything technical, it’s always scary to turn the unit off and reboot the next day. You are always afraid your problem is going to come back. When I mentioned my fear about this, she told us that she would come in early the next day just to be on hand in case we needed her! This really was not her responsibility, and I know she was only doing it to make it easier for me, and I can’t tell you how much better I felt going home that night knowing she would be there in the morning.
I don’t really know Carmela that well, but I do know that she saved the day for us and her generosity and team spirit are examples of what makes Algonquin such a great place to work. I sincerely believe this one-time gesture that I witnessed and experienced is symbolic of Carmella’s everyday behaviour and would like to nominate her for a President’s Star.
Thanks Carmela!
Nominated by: Chris Brennan
Presented on: March 6, 2014
Sean Edwards
School of Hospitality and Tourism
For as long as Sean has worked at Algonquin he has embodied the College’s values of caring, learning, integrity and respect.
Recruitment was invited to an event for youth and parents at the Pinecrest Community Centre to celebrate winter and the Olympics. I was hoping that our staff could bring cookies from our baking program to add to the excitement and showcase the delights our students create. As I was meeting with the baking chef to see if cookies were on the syllabus that week,(which they unfortunately were not), Sean walk by and offered to. help out. Less than 12 hours later, I had 14 dozen cookies!
Sean gave the lead to a student who organized some of her classmates to get this done for us, providing the student with an extra opportunity to show leadership. Oh, and by the way, the cookies were a big hit at the event!
Simultaneously, a request from a local high school for a culinary arts professor to speak to students in food and nutrition classes was also in my hand.. Within an hour of sharing this request from Sean, it was confirmed that he, along with the Chair and a senior student, would go and do a demo and discuss our Hospitality programs.
As I reflected later that day on how open Sean was to my requests I realized he is one of the reasons we work in a ‘Top 25’ workplace in Ottawa. Sean’s willingness to help and volunteer in so many areas for so many people is what makes Algonquin College a special place to work and keeps our high profile as a caring environment in our Community.
Nominated by: Anne Kalil
Presented on: March 5, 2014
Gerry Salisbury
Algonquin College Heritage Institute
Gerry is actively involved with engaging his students in their studies in Perth’s Police Foundations Program as well as ensuring they (and the campus) are engaged in community activities. In addition to organizing and directing the Perth Campus’ three Santa Claus parades (Smith Falls, Carleton Place and Perth) for the past two years with 20 –40 students participating, Gerry led a contingent of his students to the Perth Remembrance Day ceremony, has arranged a visit to carol sing at a senior’s residence and his extremely successful Stuff the Cruiser event resulted in over 800 food items being donated to the local food back. His academic work includes ensuring his students receive the most up-to-date police training (as a recently retired OPP Inspector) including a DUI crash investigation with active police and fire department participation.
Gerry embodies the core values of Algonquin College and ensures the same are imparted to his students. He exemplifies the positive impact enthusiastic, caring faculty can have on students’ education and careers.
Nominated by: Tara Lee Ferguson
Presented on: February 6, 2014
Bobbi Truelove
Community Employment Services, Perth Campus
Bobbi is a valued, key member of our Community Employment Service team in Perth. She is a person of great integrity and professionalism, and is well respected by her clients, the business community, colleagues, and her Manager. Bobbi is a caring, results-based, high performer, who goes that extra mile consistently to assist others while ensuring that clients and departmental goals are achieved.
I have witnessed on several occasions, Bobbi’s tremendous effort job developing on behalf of ‘hard-to-serve’ clients. Most recently she was successful convincing an employer to hire a transient street youth who was mandated by Ontario Works to secure employment. Not only did she secure a position for this individual within the competitive job market, she was quick to advocate on his behalf to ensure his basic needs were met (ie. housing, clothing, transportation). Regardless of client’s credibility issues, Bobbi has a special talent for empowering and supporting clients to reach their full potential. Aside from the numerous accolades received, Bobbi maintains her role with grace and dignity, and consistently demonstrates service excellence that models our shared commitment to client success and the College’s values of Caring, Learning, Integrity and Respect.
Nominated by: Brian Duffy
Presented on: February 7, 2014
Richard Briginshaw, Mark Bell, Lachlan Oddie, Andy Nita, and Greg Kenny
Faculty of Technology and Trades
I would like to nominate the Algonquin College Solar Decathlon employee team for President’s Star awards. Through the tireless efforts of over 20 Algonquin College employees, led by Richard Briginshaw, Mark Bell, Lachlan Oddie, Andy Nita, and Greg Kenny, our students received an amazing hands-on learning opportunity and were able to compete on a global stage at the prestigious international Solar Decathlon competition. Whether it was building the house, installing the systems, or building the app, Algonquin ingenuity is baked into every element of Project ECHO. Imagine the look on the faces of future employers when these students say they worked on a sustainable home for an international competition!
Beyond the building of the home and competing in the Solar Decathlon itself, the team went above and beyond to involve the College community, hosting open houses and sending us frequent updates and photos from sunny California. Their passion and their pride was infectious, and they were all too happy to share. The team made it clear that it wasn’t just their house; it was our house too.
The team and their remarkable achievements are a demonstration of the success we can enable at the College by having a vision and taking a leadership role to make it happen. A job well done to all members of Team Ontario – employees and students. You have made the College proud!
Nominated by: Phil Gaudreau
Presented on: February 6 and February 14, 2014
Anne Colterman / Yvonne Goebel
School of Business
Anne and Yvonne are part-time professors who teach the Provincial Offences/Motor Vehicle Offences course in the Paralegal program. They are both extremely committed to our students and provide excellent opportunities for student learning in their classes. They both have expertise in the field in which they teach and throughout the course, which they teach in a collaborative manner, students are exposed to guest speakers from the field, including police constables, Justices of the Peace and practitioners.
Throughout the years that they have taught in the Paralegal program they have gone out of their way to provide experiential learning opportunities for our students. The students are provided with hands on learning opportunities, from the use of laser and radar detection equipment to attending at mock trials at the Provincial Offences Court.
Anne and Yvonne have been able to successfully recruit a long list of volunteers from the practice area. Students are able to participate in the mock trial at the court itself, with Justices of the Peace, police officers and paralegals in attendance “playing” their roles as they would in a real life trial. The effort that Yvonne and Anne take to provide our students with as close to a real life experience as possible is exceptional. The benefits to the students in their learning and their opportunity to network with those who are currently practicing in their chosen field is equally exceptional. Their commitment to providing quality learning experiences is stellar.
Nominated by: Helene Gilhooly
Presented on: January 28, 2014
Sandi Lalonde
Registrar’s Office
As the “new” Coordinator for the Culinary program at the School of Hospitality not a day goes by when Sandi does not go above and beyond her call of duty to help me with the various Registration challenges that arrive on my desk or in my office.
Sandi consistently spends extra time with students to ensure the students are properly served and in the right program. On a regular basis I have seen Sandi accommodate students with scheduling challenges (new mothers, single “mums”, students with jobs, students with financial issues, international students), the list goes on and on!
Sandi often goes out of her way via email to add a personal “congratulations” and words of encouragement to new graduates of our program and is a regular volunteer at convocations.
I am often CC’d on emails from Sandi to students and I cannot help but notice many of these emails are sent on weekends and “outside” of office hours.
On a personal note working with Sandi is “fun” as well as informative.
Sandi is truly a first class / model employee and even more importantly Sandi is a wonderful person.
I would like to see Sandi recognized for her sustained “high level” performance which has resulted in a significant contribution to the Algonquin College School of Hospitality & Tourism.
Nominated by: Scott Warrick
Presented on: January 8, 2014