2023 Holiday Message from the President

Dear Learners and Colleagues,

As we prepare to take a well-deserved pause for the upcoming holiday season, I am filled with appreciation and admiration for the unwavering dedication, hard work, and commitment that each of you has demonstrated throughout the past year. Your collective efforts have contributed, significantly to making Algonquin College a vibrant and inspiring community for learning and personal growth.

Many of us will be celebrating the holidays, or simply enjoying precious moments with friends and family. I also know that some among us may experience a different situation, either due to loneliness at this time of year, or due to feelings of anxiety or concern for the well-being of family and friends affected by conflicts or other tragedies around the globe.

I encourage everyone to stay connected and reach out if support is needed. Our community has consistently demonstrated a commitment to our core values – standing together in times of need. This spirit of unity is a source of profound gratitude for me, not only during this festive season, but throughout the entire year.

Please accept my heartfelt wishes, for a joyous holiday season filled with warmth, and shared moments of happiness with your loved ones. I look forward to our continued journey together in the coming year.

Warm regards,

Claude Brulé
President and CEO


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