Uniform & Equipment

You should anticipate an initial outlay of approximately $6,000 at the start of the program (tuition, texts, uniforms and medical supplies).


Information about the uniform will be discussed on your first day of classes at AC Day 1.

  • Boots–black, polishable, CSA green patch. Mandatory for Patient Care Lab and Fitness.
    • Minimum of 6 eye, over the ankle.


  1. Stethoscope (high quality)
  2. Blood pressure cuff
  3. ‘Penny cutter’ scissors
  4. Pen / mini-Mag flashlight
  5. Wrist watch
  6. Protective safety glasses (must wrap around the eyes)
  7. Black pen with note pad

Equipment is expensive, Identify it with name and be responsible for safe keeping;

Recommendation: Quality equipment, cheap equipment does not last nor work when needed.

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