Student Experience

Learn hands-on skills in realistic settings

The Advanced Care Paramedic (ACP) program at Algonquin College is fully accredited. Upon completion, you will take the Ministry of Ontario’s licensing exam. This license will give you the ability to practice at a higher level of paramedicine, create more possibilities for advancement in the service/field, and largely increase employment opportunities.

Students conducting assesment in Ambulance simulator

In the program you will learn practical skills such as oral tracheal intubation, intravenous and intraosseous fluid resuscitation, cardiac pacing and cardioversion, and patient sedation, in high fidelity simulations in our simulation lab, which includes a mock apartment and convenience store. You will practise your skills in hospital and ambulance practicums under the supervision of highly trained Advanced Care Paramedics and health-care staff, and also take part in a clinical placement within the community. An airway workshop, given by Emergency physicians from the Queensway Carleton Hospital, also service to enhance students’ knowledge and skills. Students are also eligible to complete ACLS and Pediatric Advanced Life Support certification.