ESCO2: Intelligent Lighting Controls – FAQ

All lighting zones controlled are "on" as indicated by the white lights on both the "rocker" and "touch pads"

All lighting zones controlled are “on” as indicated by the white lights on both the “rocker” and “touch pads”

Why do I have a different (or no) light switch on my wall?
The majority of offices and classrooms around the Woodroffe campus either already have or will soon have Intelligent Lighting Controls. Sensors are in place to detect “occupancy”. Sensors will turn lights off when no occupancy is detected. Wall switches can be used to turn lights “on” and “off”. For spaces with no wall switch and set to “on” based upon occupancy, there are options for personal control.

Is the set up the same in all rooms at Woodroffe?
Different spaces on the Woodroffe campus (offices, classrooms, hallways, storage closets, washrooms, etc.) will have different combinations of sensors and wall-mounted switches to provide a high level of control and customization.

Is the new unit on the ceiling a camera?
The ceiling-mounted units are not cameras. These sensors detect occupancy using Passive Infra-Red and Ultrasonic technology.

What are “Intelligent Lighting Controls”?
As an “intelligent” approach to managing lighting, the system offers the College a high level of control and customization. The goal is to achieve energy savings and productive working and learning environments.

Why is my light staying on?
Following installation of all sensors in an area of a building (such as a floor of offices and classrooms), those rooms are then added to the overall commissioned and working system. Prior to commissioning, there lights are left “on” to ensure adequate lighting is present.

Do the new lights operate in the same way as conventional wall switches?
No. The new IP-based lighting controls require a very simple “light touch” on the 3-zone touch pad and up/down “rocker” switch. There will be a slight pause of 2-3 seconds between the light touch and lights illuminating. A white light on the wall-mounted touch pad or rocker switch indicates that the zone of lighting being controls is “on”. A blue light indicates that the zone is “off”.

3 zone touch pad in a room with all three zones of lighting "off" as indicated by the blue lights.

3 zone “touch pad” in a room with all three zones of lighting “off” as indicated by the blue lights.