Career assessment: Strong Interest Inventory

Aug 19, 2024 - Aug 23, 2024

Our Strong Interest Inventory assessment is a career exploration and planning tool designed to identify your interests and work preferences. It helps our job seeker client discover their work personality by exploring their interests in six broad areas: Realistic, Artistic, Investigative, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. It then breaks these areas into specific areas of interest that can be directly related to fields of study, careers, and leisure activities. In addition, it describes our client’s personal style preferences in different areas, such as learning environment and risk-taking, to consider when exploring career paths. The assessment then maps occupations to our client’s interests and suggests ones that are most likely to lead to satisfaction.

This free assessment is for our registered CES clients only.
Not currently a client of CES? Pre-select this assessment below or call 613-267-1381 ext 0. Your registration will occur during follow-up with a CES employment consultant.

Helping you find your ideal career

CES Perth