WT Post Activity Report WT Post Activity Report For WT managers to gather course info from the Course Leader Step 1 of 2 50% Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Course(Required)Course Leader Name(Required)Second, Third, Fourth Instructor NamesNumber of Groups on CourseNumber of Students in Attendance on Course(Required)Course Location(Required)Is there an Emergency Response Plan on file for this trip/location?(Required)YesNo (please provide and share with College/WT Manager)Vehicles Used on Course(Required)List company or personal Weather(Required) Clear Overcast Raining Fog Snowing Freeze Rain Details if Severe Weather ConditionsIf yes, did it require modification to course delivery? Air and Water Temperature (if applicable)(Required)Attendance Submitted?(Required)YesNoWho was absent? List first/last namesWas anyone there for a make-up course? List first/last names(Required)Rubric presented and/or Defined?(Required)YesNoCourse Outline and CLR's Discussed?(Required)YesNoWas grading and mandatory passing items explained to students? Daily Debrief Completed with Students?(Required)YesNoSubsequent Goals and Expectations Discussed for the next day on course?(Required)YesNo Any Incidents on course?(Required) injury Illness Behaviour Near Miss Nothing to note Check all that apply. Incident Group Instructor(Required)Which group did it happen in? Was an IRF submitted Online?(Required)YesNolink to IRF: https://www.algonquincollege.com/pembroke/incident-report-form/ Were instructors briefed on the following?(Required) Instructor Orientation with College? Instructor Briefing with you/Course Leader? College Outline explained to the instructors? Provided instructor with assessment tools & rubrics Briefed on teaching plan with expected learner outcomes Select AllCheck all that applyWas a Failed Course Report Submitted Online?(Required)YesNoto complete when a student legitimately fails a skill(s)/CLR(s). List any 'red flag' studentsinclude the “not normal” occurrences/behaviours. General CommentsAny updates for the course curriculum/outcomes/logistics? Any Updates for Course Curriculum, Outcomes and/or Logistics?(Required)Name First Last Δ