Alumnus Jason Blaine Receives Key to the city of Pembroke

Jason Blaine could never have imagined how much success his charity would have when he established it a decade ago to support causes that were important to him in his hometown. On the same day that his annual charity golf tournament and concert raised $200,000, allowing it to top the $1 million mark since it began, Blaine also received a key to the city of Pembroke.

The key to the city is rarely awarded and the last person to receive it in Pembroke was New Jersey Devils head coach Sheldon Keefe after he led the Pembroke Lumber Kings to a national junior A championship in 2011. Algonquin College’s Pembroke Campus was awarded a key to the city in 2017 when the college celebrated its 50th anniversary.

Jason Blaine raises his arms as he holds key to the city of Pembroke.

Alumnus Jason Blaine celebrates after receiving key to the city of Pembroke from Mayor Ron Gervais.

Blaine graduated from the Business program at the Pembroke Campus and has gone on to record several hit songs as a country music recording artist. He and his wife, Amy, live in Nashville and are raising four children, but every year they return to Pembroke for what has become a signature community event that draws many Canadian celebrities and has raised thousands of dollars for organizations like the Pembroke Boys and Girls Club, the Pembroke Regional Hospital and Algonquin College’s Pembroke Campus.

The campus has received $200,000 from Blaine’s charity, including $100,000 that was placed in an endowment to support bursaries for students in financial need. Blaine plans to continue to give back for many years to come, always finding time to come back home to the Ottawa Valley where he turned his love for music into a career that has placed him on stages around the world as one of Canada’s top musicians.

Among his many hits are “They Don’t Make ‘Em Like That Anymore,” and “The Road That Raised You Up.” Each year, Blaine attracts many celebrities to his event. Among the group this year was former Ottawa Senator Chris Neil and musicians Dallas Smith and Aaron Pritchett, two Canadian artists who have become good friends with Blaine as his music career has evolved.

The event sells out every year and in the weeks in between Blaine will hand out thousands of dollars in cheques to causes that support youth, people struggling with their mental health and community building.

(Posted by Jamie Bramburger, Interim Dean of Algonquin College’s Pembroke Campus)

Running a Marathon Into A New Career

The sweat dripped off the face of Nevill Carney as he crossed the finish line. It was a cooler and overcast Sunday afternoon in late May as he raised his arms in celebration of completing his first marathon. The pure exhilaration of running the 42.2 kilometre race was so satisfying that he forgot about the cramping pain he had experienced 30 kilometres into the Ottawa International Marathon.

He had finished the race in 5 hours, 18 minutes and one second. The time didn’t matter as much as the personal satisfaction of completing the marathon. The months of training through the winter months had been worth it. His body had responded well and the tips he had received from other runners were helpful.

For Carney, running the grueling race was the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest. He had reached a pinnacle in his life, with everything coming together at once. Living in a new community, completing a college program, starting a new job and now holding on to a medal as proof that he had completed his first marathon.

Man crosses finish line at Ottawa International Marathon.

Nevill Carney completes the Ottawa International Marathon in 5 hours, 18 minutes and 1 second.

The journey to running in the marathon had started seven years earlier when Carney completed a half marathon in the Ottawa Army Run, but since then he had put running on the backburner. His focus was on choosing a second career and it brought him to Algonquin College’s Pembroke Waterfront Campus as a mature student.

When he was younger, Carney had completed an Advanced Diploma in the Film and Television Production program at Humber College in Toronto. That led to a job with the Discovery Channel where he travelled the world, helping to produce segments for shows like “Mighty Ships,” but when the winds of change blew through the sails of many media companies, he lost his job. That prompted Carney to move back to his hometown of Ottawa where he found employment in the trades working in home renovations. Eventually, he took a series of contracts with the federal government working in administrative roles with both Health Canada and Procurement Canada.

It was while working within the federal bureaucracy that he met his girlfriend who was from Eganville and in January 2023 Carney made the decision to move to the Ottawa Valley as the couple’s relationship became more serious. The move made finding employment in his new community a top priority, so he quickly inserted himself by becoming a volunteer with a local food bank as he started kicking the tires for job opportunities. At the same time, Carney started thinking about going back to school to better position himself for long term employment success in his new home.

He attended a career fair at Algonquin College’s Community Employment Services office in Eganville. There he met a college student recruiter and learned about the College’s new Business Fundamentals program, an eight month certificate program designed to help people move quickly back into the workforce with a fresh set of skills that were easily transferrable to many businesses. When he found out the program was offered in a multi-modal delivery format, it piqued his interest and he reached out to the Business program coordinator, Kim Drake, to learn more. He scheduled a virtual meeting with Drake and liked what he heard.

“The flexibility of being able to study in a multi-modal environment, that was huge,” says Carney about his decision to enroll in the program. “Kim did a great job explaining how multi-modal worked and left me feeling like she was my friend, not a faculty member.”

Man wearing medal he earned after running his first marathon.

Nevill Carney proudly wears the medal he earned after completing the 2024 Ottawa International Marathon.

That personal touch that Carney experienced is one of the trademarks of the Pembroke Campus. During the admissions cycle, program coordinators connect with incoming students to share more information about the program and to give the students the opportunity to ask questions. The process is called First Contact and it helps put students at ease, assisting them with building a relationship with one of their key faculty members before they start school.

As Carney had his questions answered he liked what he was hearing about the multi-modal delivery option. Multi-modal programs permit students to attend classes in person or join virtually. They can choose on a daily basis how they want to access their classes, but all students have the same timetable.

As a mature student, Carney was still weighing the pros and cons of returning to school, so he stayed connected with Drake and asked more questions. They got to know each other and Carney shared some of his personal interests, including an idea that had been percolating about running a marathon. Drake shared that the campus librarian, Patti Kim, had twice ran in the prestigious Boston Marathon and suggested he might want to talk to her about how she prepared for races. Carney acted quickly and was pleasantly surprised when Kim quickly responded to his email.

“Patti gave me some foundational pointers on nutrition, hydration and building a training plan. It was really helpful.” For Carney, the connection he was building with faculty and staff at the Pembroke Campus was increasingly convincing him he needed to follow through with his post-secondary plans. “When Patti responded quickly and was willing to meet with me, even before I started school, I could see myself studying here.”

At 36 years of age, Carney was taking the big step of enrolling again in college. He visited the campus and took a tour, introduced himself to the librarian and exchanged more running stories with her, met face to face with some of the other staff who he had been talking to as he made his decision to enroll in Business Fundamentals and then when September of 2023 arrived, he stepped into a classroom for the first time in many years.

He wanted to get to know his new classmates as quickly as possible so he chose to attend most classes in person during the Fall term, but when winter weather arrived, he increasingly joined classes from home. “Kim did a great job making everyone feel that they were part of the class environment,” regardless of how they were accessing the class. It was an eye opener into how much technology has taken a leading role in education,” says Carney.

Picture of man running in Ottawa International marathon.

Nevill Carney runs his first marathon in May of 2024.

Success came quickly for Carney. As he was nearing the completion of his program, he attended a job fair that was held on campus and had a good conversation with some of the city of Pembroke staff who were recruiting new employees. When Carney shared some of his background, he was encouraged to apply for a job with the city.

He had done well in his courses and had confidence as he interviewed for a temporary position within the city’s tourism department. When he got the summer job he quickly made an impression with city staff. That led to applying for a permanent position within the city’s planning department and just as he was finishing up his first marathon he received good news that he had won that competition too. Within a month of completing college, he had secured full time employment and had ran his first full marathon.

“When I was first humming and hawing about whether to go back to school, Kim Drake grounded me and showed me how the program would lead me to a career. The faculty care and want you to succeed,” says Carney who is looking forward to attending his convocation ceremony, the icing on the cake in a year long journey that has him running into a bright future.

(Posted by Jamie Bramburger, Manager of Community and Student Affairs at Algonquin College Pembroke Campus)


Algonquin College Pembroke Campus International Alumnus Pursues Nursing Career

Aneeta Jacob was only 17 years old when she travelled abroad to enroll in the Social Service Worker program at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Campus. She had grown up in the southern section of India, a tropical region where the temperatures routinely hit 30 degrees Celcius, but she had become captivated by the pictures she had seen of the snowy conditions of Canada. She knew in her heart, some day she would live in this country that seemed so far away.

“I thought the snow would feel like cotton, but coming to Canada, I never knew the snow would be so cold,” says Jacob who has now settled into her adopted country as a permanent resident and is pursuing her dream to work in health care.

Student studying in campus library.

Aneeta Jacob was only 17 years old when she left India to study in the Social Service Worker program at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Campus.

In India, she had written an entrance test to study medicine, but the draw to Canada and her young age prompted her to change her plans. She had no idea where Pembroke was, but she was excited when she received an offer of admission from the International Education Centre at Algonquin College.

With only one family member living in Canada, an aunt based in Calgary, Jacob was setting out on her own, eyes wide open with the hopes of starting a new life that would include the fluffy white stuff that had first drawn her to considering studying abroad. She came to the Pembroke Campus at a time when there were only a handful of international students, enrolling in the fall of 2018. Her friendly disposition allowed her to connect easily with classmates and staff, helping her make the transition to her new home.

“I am so happy I got into Algonquin College. The staff and faculty made me feel at home. I now see how much they cared,” says Jacob who now lives in Alberta and is studying to become a registered nurse at Mount Royal University in Calgary.

It was the COVID-19 pandemic and the difficult isolation that came with it that prompted Jacob to re-locate to the West. She was only a few weeks away from completing her Social Service Worker program when the pandemic kept her in a tiny apartment in Pembroke, not able to make the connections with people who had helped her navigate her time in school and in the broader community.

International nursing student

Aneeta Jacob graduated from the Social Service Worker program at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Campus. She is now studying nursing at Mount Royal University in Calgary.

Her parents in India were worried about her safety, prompting her Aunt in Calgary to reach out, encouraging her to come live with her until things improved, but at the height of the pandemic it meant Jacob would need to stay in isolation for 14 days. Not being able to connect with her Aunt in person, despite living in the same house was really difficult, but in the pre-vaccination world of COVID, she did what she needed to do, following public health guidelines to protect others.

“It was very tough on me living alone in the basement of the home. I watched a lot of youtube videos,” says Jacob who stayed with her aunt for six months.

During COVID, many government services were not available. Jacob desperately wanted to get her post graduate employment permit so she could start working in the social work field, but she would have to wait. It took months to get it, but when it did come through, Jacob was on the move, seeking employment in her field.

She moved to Edmonton, but because of the pandemic shutdowns, she had trouble finding work, until an opportunity to work with people with disabilities opened a door for her to start her career in the social work field in the small town of Saint Paul, near Lloydminster, Saskatchewan. Jacob stayed in the border town for a year-and-a-half, then moved to Airdrie, Alberta, about a 20 minute drive from Calgary. There she became a team lead when she found another job that used her social service worker skills and she gained permanent residency status. She took a driver’s test and got her licence, bought herself a car, giving her more independence and she again started thinking about expanding her career into health care.

International Nursing student.“Nursing called me. I always knew I would do well in a crisis and that I wanted to work in medicine,” says Jacob who has just completed the first year of her baccalaureate program. Her previous studies at Algonquin College have helped her in her university courses, particularly the Developmental Psychology and Communications courses that she completed in the Social Service Worker program.

While she has been away from Pembroke for a few years, Jacob has a longing to return, maybe for a visit or potentially to work as a nurse after she graduates. “Pembroke treated me so warmly and my goal is to do something for Canada and to be a nurse that patients can depend on. I like small towns and once I am done, I want to move back to Pembroke.”

The shortage of nurses in smaller communities has put tremendous stress on the local labour market within the health care field. Jacob is an example of an international student who has fallen in love with Canada and is eager to make a difference in our country, but what separates her from many other immigrants, is her desire to work in a smaller community. While many newcomers settle in larger urban centres, Jacob says she is most at home in places like Saint Paul and Pembroke.

For now, she will work hard to complete her Nursing degree. If all goes as planned, she will graduate in the spring of 2027. A lot can change in three years, but right now Jacob has her eye on Pembroke. She misses the city and thinks often about how her first experience in Canada has shaped her desire to someday be a Canadian citizen, contributing to rural health care.

(Posted by Jamie Bramburger. Manager of Community and Student Affairs)

Protecting Our Water Supply

There are few things more precious in the world than clean water. Canada has been blessed with an abundance of fresh water, including the Great Lakes, but to ensure the water that Canadians drink and use on a daily basis is safe, technicians are needed to effectively manage water and wastewater.

Algonquin College’s Pembroke campus will be offering a Water and Wastewater Technician diploma program for the first time in the fall of 2024. Many of the graduates will find work within municipalities, wherever there are water treatment plants.

Two Algonquin College students take water samples as part of a research project.

Algonquin College students take water samples as part of an applied research project.

The field of water and wastewater management emerged after the Walkerton water tragedy of early 2000. An e-coli outbreak at the Walkerton water plant resulted in the deaths of seven people and many more people became critically ill. The Ontario government ordered an inquiry, leading to much more rigid safety standards. Today, the small community that become the focal point of the inquiry is home to the Walkerton Clean Water Centre which offers research, training and testing services.

Since the centre opened in 2004, it has trained more than 80,000 people in clean water management, serving both urban and rural areas of the province. The tragedy and the creation of the centre has shone a spotlight on career opportunities within this important public safety field. Students in the Water and Wastewater program will learn about preventing waterborne illnesses, how to manage industrial waste and the operation of off-site wastewater treatment units.

In addition to their theory courses, students will have plenty of labs and field work, where they will be exposed to industry standard equipment and subject matter experts who will help understand the operation of mechanical systems. These applied learning experiences will prepare graduates to work as water and wastewater treatment operators, compliance officers, water analysts within municipalities or government operations and lab assistants in private and public research and monitoring laboratories.

Two Algonquin College students working in a pond as part of an applied research project.

Students in the Water and Wastewater program will find employment working in both public and private sector industries where water sampling is need to protect the public.

The role is detail oriented and involves plenty of team work. It requires individuals who are conscientious and committed to public safety and because the program is a compressed diploma, offered over 12 months instead of a traditional two year delivery format, the student timetable will be full. The program will have a lot of instructional time each week.

The primary admission requirement for the program is a high school diploma with successful completion of grade 12 English. However, having a strong foundation in math and sciences will help students succeed. The college offers free academic upgrading classes in Math, Chemistry and Biology to eligible Ontario residents, for anyone interested in the program but who feels they could use some additional preparatory courses to be better prepared.

Applications for the Water and Wastewater Technician program are available now at More information can be found on the Pembroke Campus website at

(Post by Jamie Bramburger, Manager of Community and Student Affairs at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Campus)




The Year in Review at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Waterfront Campus

As the calendar turns to a new year, there are many things to celebrate at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Waterfront Campus. Our year in review starts with several new partnerships that are creating more opportunities for the college to have an impact in the communities that it serves.

Garrison Petawawa Commander Colonel Jason Guiney and Dean of Algonquin College Pembroke Campus Sarah Hall sign a Memorandum of Collaboration on April 15, 2023 at Algonquin College Pembroke.

Photo: Corporal (Cpl) Lanny Jellicoe

Garrison Petawawa Commander Colonel Jason Guiney and Dean of Algonquin College Pembroke Campus Sarah Hall sign a Memorandum of Collaboration on April 15, 2023 at Algonquin College Pembroke.

Photo: Corporal (Cpl) Lanny Jellicoe

In the spring of 2023, the campus signed a memorandum of collaboration with Garrison Petawawa. The Pembroke Campus and the local military base have had a long-standing working relationship, but this formalized agreement has engaged both organizations in meaningful strategies that align with their respective goals. An example is the development of two free courses to support military spouses and military members who are transitioning to the civilian workforce. Both courses were offered for the first time in the fall and will continue into the New Year.

The Petawawa Research Forest has been a familiar place for students who have studied in the Forestry Technician program. For many years, students have visited the site to learn about forest management and different species. A memorandum of understanding signed with the Canadian Wood Fibre Association, which manages the forest, has opened the door to more applied research and learning opportunities for students in the program.

Country recording artist Jason Blaine performs at a hometown concert in Pembroke in December of 2023.

Country recording artist Jason Blaine performs at a hometown concert in Pembroke in December of 2023.

Alumnus Jason Blaine has continued to make the campus proud. He returned to Pembroke for a sold out hometown concert in December where he handed out more than $100,000 in grants to area organizations that support vulnerable people in our community, including the Pembroke Boys and Girls Club and the Robbie Dean Counselling Centre. Blaine’s annual concert and golf tournament in Pembroke will celebrate its tenth anniversary in 2024. It is closing in on raising a million dollars, all money that has been put back into great causes such as supporting students in financial need at the college.

Students at the campus continued to make great contributions to the community. A few examples included the Carpentry and Renovations Technique students building a new pavilion for Champlain Discovery school and a garden shed for Pembroke’s waterfront volunteers. Other students participated in co-op placements, filling workforce gaps while learning more about their chosen careers. Some Urban Forestry Arboriculture program students were recognized for their volunteerism when they were presented with an award for having the most original float in the Pembroke Santa Claus parade.

For the first time, the Pembroke Campus was able to mark National Truth and Reconciliation Day at its new medicine wheel garden. The special ceremony was led by Campus Elder Aimee Bailey and was well attended by students and employees of the campus. This spiritual place has become a special area for reflection and learning about Indigenous teachings. The garden is located on a hill top on the western tip of the college’s property and will eventually be surrounded by trees as part of an arboretum project being led by the college’s Forestry department.

College employees, students and Elder holding wampum belt.

The campus medicine wheel garden was dedicated at a special ceremony in June.

The campus continued to attract students from around the world in 2023 with more than 100 international students enrolled in the Fall term. They came from many countries including India, the Philippines, Ukraine, Nigeria, Egypt and Ethiopia. More international students will arrive in early 2024 as the college continues to diversify its enrolments.

The campus speaker series continued to attract many well-known Canadians, including former Governor General David Johnston who drew a sold-out crowd to his talk on his book, entitled ‘Empathy’. Other presenters at the speaker series included investigative journalist Julian Sher who spoke about the Steven Truscott Case, war historians Margaret MacMillan and Tim Cook and TVO’s The Agenda host Steve Paikin who shared stories from his book on former Prime Minister John Turner.

Elizabeth Manley, former figure skater

Elizabeth Manley delivered a great keynote address in October at the Fall Business Leadership conference.

Former Olympian skater Elizabeth Manley and Environment Canada’s Chief Climatologist David Phillips were on campus for the Fall Business Leadership conference. The conference was very well attended and also included key note presentations by retired General and CTV military analyst David Fraser and author and mental health expert, Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe. The College has already confirmed that retired General Rick Hillier will be one of its keynote speakers next year at the conference.

It’s been a busy year, but as we close out 2023, everyone at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Campus wishes our students, alumni, employees and community partners a Happy New Year! We look forward to 2024 including celebrating our graduating class at our June convocation ceremony. That’s the ultimate goal for our campus, to help our students turn their hopes and dreams into life-long success.

(Jamie Bramburger is the Manager of Community and Student Affairs at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Waterfront Campus. The campus will be closed for the holiday season from Friday, December 22 until Tuesday, January 2.)




Alumnus Jason Blaine Rocks His Home Town of Pembroke

Jason Blaine just wanted to come back home to perform in front of a crowd that knew his music and his story. So, when he decided he would offer a concert in his home town, he chose a familiar place to host an intimate concert where he could welcome a “A Few Good Friends of Mine,” the title to one of his many hit songs. That place was the Germania Club in Pembroke, the same venue that twenty years earlier he and his wife, Amy, celebrated their wedding.

Jason Blaine sings and plays his guitar as he performs at a concert in his home town of Pembroke.It was the first time in eleven years that Blaine had held a public concert in the city and it didn’t disappoint. He played the songs that have made him one of Canada’s leading Canadian country artists like ‘They Don’t Make ‘Em Like That Anymore’ and ‘Dance With My Daughter,” but also sang songs from his new album, including “The Road That Raised You Up.”

It was a special night for Blaine who had many family and friends in the audience and he went out of his way to make it a very social concert, one where he encouraged people to move around and just enjoy his music. He bridged the music with some storytelling and capped the night by presenting cheques worth thousands of dollars to organizations that benefit from his charitable foundation.

Over the past nine years, his charity has raised more than $800,000, money that has been reinvested in the community through small grants that support causes that are important to Blaine, including children and youth and the overall mental health of people who live in the area. As he approaches the tenth anniversary of his annual golf tournament and concert at the Pembroke Golf Club, he is looking forward to a banner year of fundraising and being able to invest more where the money is most needed.

Jason Blaine and his band perform at his hometown concert in Pembroke.It was the early 2000’s when Blaine, who was still a single man and trying to find his way, enrolled in the Business program at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Campus. While dating Amy who was also enrolled in the Early Childhood Education program at the college and learning about subjects like accounting, finance, business planning, marketing and sales, Blaine continued to perform where he could but he also started writing his own songs. When he graduated from college, he moved to southern Ontario and started to record his songs and then he made the big move to Nashville, Tennessee to be at the heart of the country music industry.

By that point, Jason and Amy had married. Now with four children and having planted some roots in the United States, Blaine is well established as a recording artist and continues to turn out great music. He has won plenty of awards for both the songs he performs and the songs he writes, but its his philanthropy that has elevated his reputation as both a talented musician and a person who cares about people.

Jason Blaine poses for a picture with other alumni from Algonquin College's Pembroke Campus.On this night, he took some time before taking the stage to meet with some of his alma mater. Several alumni who attended the concert chatted and snapped photos with Blaine who has become quite comfortable with posing for pictures as his career as blossomed. While he has been away from his home town for two decades, it’s still a very special experience when he has the chance to perform in Pembroke and it was obvious he wanted to make himself available to the people who have supported him from day one.

Familiar faces greeted him as he shook hands with old friends, before singing his songs and enjoyed telling stories of a life well lived and one that has been full of lessons learned. The success he has had has required a lot of hard work, but it’s been grounded in a work ethic he inherited from his family. It’s led him to stages across North America and recently to Europe for the first time where he performed in Spain and France.

But there’s no place like home. Jason Blaine is still a “Boy with a Guitar” who hails from the Ottawa Valley and is on loan to his fans around the world. He knows that. Home is where his heart is.

(Posted by Jamie Bramburger, Manager of Community and Student Affairs)

From the Gridiron to Climbing Trees at Algonquin College

Football is a tough sport and some would argue the ultimate team sport. The X’s and O’s that make up the play sheet for a game is heavily reliant on everyone doing their job, but there’s one position that is critical to the success of the team-the quarterback role.

Ryan Pyear has held that position and 18 years after he steered Wilfrid Laurier university to a Vanier Cup title, he has called an audible and is trying to re-set his career at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Waterfront Campus. The former football star who was named the most valuable player when his Golden Hawks defeated the Saskatchewan Huskies in the 2005 national championship game is far removed from the grid iron, having turned in his football jersey for climbing boots, ropes and a hard hat. These days he spends most of his time climbing trees and learning from his professors as a student in the Urban Forestry-Arboriculture program.

Now in his early 40’s, Pyear has made a bold move to switch careers. Like football, he has found a new passion, one that is far removed from his more traditional roles that have involved office work and ironically recruiting students to post secondary education. After graduating with a Kinesiology degree from Laurier, he returned to the sidelines as a coach for the school’s football program for the next seven years. He then joined the student recruitment office, eventually moving across town to the University of Waterloo where he continued to work as a recruiter, but the years of office work and travel started to wear on him and he looked elsewhere for new career pathways. That’s what brought him to the Pembroke campus.

“I was at a point where I was unhappy working inside most of the time. I’ve always loved trees and nature and wanted to spend more time outside so I decided to make a change before it was too late. I looked around and the Urban Forestry-Arboriculture program had everything I was looking for so I decided to choose happiness over money and take a leap,” says Pyear.

It literally was a leap. In his football days, Pyear would look down a field and try to identify what the defence was going to do once the ball was snapped. These days, he finds himself high above the ground with a unique perspective of nature’s beauty as he learns the art of climbing trees. It’s technical work where safety is paramount, but Pyear has found there is a correlation to his five years of playing university football.

“As a QB I learned to simplify things and just focus on the task at hand. That’s helped me when I’m in the tree, especially when doing climbing exams 50 or more feet above the ground. I also learned to identify what I need to improve at, which has transferred nicely into the program. There’s also the competitive nature of it and wanting to be better than I was yesterday. There’s no shortage of skills to learn and improve on,” says Pyear.

When you speak to Pyear about his football legacy, his face lightens up. It was a special time in his life, and now years later with more life experience to draw on, he has set himself up for a new challenge. Like football, climbing trees is physically demanding, but he is enjoying the experience.

“The program is both challenging and extremely interesting. We have ideal instructors and although I’m a fair bit older than my classmates, I find them more relatable than what I experienced in my old profession. I love the city too. I’m always down by the waterfront or exploring somewhere, and I’ve met some amazing people just out and about that I end up speaking with for sometimes close to an hour,” says Pyear.

Pyear is a long way from the former Ivor Wynne stadium in Hamilton where he became a hero at Wildrid Laurier university on an early December night almost two decades ago by engineering a game winning drive that gave him and his teammates a chance to lift the Vanier Cup above their heads. With the clock winding down, Pyear got his team into field goal range, leading to a climactic 24-23 win over the Huskies.

The performance not only resulted in Pyear being named the most valuable player of the national championship game, it also made him an All Canadian quarterback for the second time in his playing career and earned him a first ballot introduction to the Legends of Laurier Football Ring of Honour.

But that was then. Pyear will still pick up a football occasionally and throw it around with friends, but the grid iron is far removed from his thoughts. He has a new game plan now, one that is focused on being an arborist, a career that has replaced cheering fans with the stillness of nature. It’s a contrast that Pyear has embraced. He’s turned the page and is writing a new chapter in his life story.

(Posted by Jamie Bramburger, Manager of Community and Student Affairs)


Saying Goodbye to Algonquin College’s Lumberjack

There were few people who could look Chris Ryan in the eye. At well over six feet tall, he towered over most people that he met, but his intimidating physical physique was quickly swept away by a smile and dimple that could light up the room. For almost 30 years, he was a fixture in the hallways of Algonquin College’s Pembroke Campus and in the forests of the Ottawa Valley, wherever students were learning about the field that he was passionate about.

Ryan passed away recently, after battling health issues in recent years. He was only 49 years of age and his death has left a big hole in the Algonquin College community and in the region’s forestry sector where he was well known as the big lumberjack with a contagious chuckle and a jovial spirit that made him a friend to many.

Growing up in the Pontiac region of West Quebec, Ryan was surrounded by trees that grew into a love of the outdoors. From a young age he was felling trees. Not surprisingly it led him to a career in forestry. After completing his high school education in Quebec, he crossed the Ottawa River to earn an Ontario grade 13 certificate and then enrolled in the Forestry Technician program at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Campus.

When he graduated from college, he joined the staff of the college as a technician for the forestry program, a position he held for almost three decades, moving from part-time to full-time work. While he supported students in their many field trips, he also led some tutorials in the classroom and he became the coach of the school’s varsity loggersports team.

The team competed against other colleges and universities in activities such as pole climbing, crosscut sawing and axe throwing. It was a throwback to the forestry trade at the turn of the century before the industry was revolutionized by modern equipment. Ryan excelled as the coach. His strength and size spurred comparisons to the great Joseph Montferrand, the French Canadian logger who became a folk hero and was the inspiration for the fictitious Big Joe Mufferaw, the character that Stompin Tom Connors sang about, creating an anthem for everyone who loved forestry as much as Ryan did.

In the spring of 2014, Ryan received a call from the Ottawa Redblacks. The fledgling Canadian Football League team was building its brand and wanted to link the football club to the Ottawa Valley’s rich forestry heritage. The team had learned that Algonquin’s Pembroke Campus had a loggersports team and was interested in a partnership to have the loggersports athletes perform at Redblacks home games.

It turned out to be one of the highlights of Ryan’s life and made him into a bit of a celebrity, a role he relished, never shying away from a photo opportunity with a fan, a player or team executive. Over the course of several seasons, until the world wide COVID-19 pandemic abruptly ended the partnership in 2020 when the CFL season was cancelled, Ryan never missed a home game.

He was on the sidelines with loggersports team members, scrambling every time the Redblacks scored a touchdown, to start the chainsaws and cut a ceremonial wooden cookie, branded with the Redblacks logo. He was there for the team’s Grey Cup parade and celebration in Ottawa after they upset Calgary in the 2016 league championship and he attended Grey Cup games in Winnipeg and Edmonton. He was the constant every time the team got in the end zone, his image splashed across the nation on TSN, a symbol of the Ottawa Redblacks lumberjack brand.

His work in forestry fit his personality. Forestry is the reason the Ottawa Valley exists. The industry dates back hundreds of years, and at his core, Ryan was nostalgic. He loved old television shows like The Dukes of Hazzard and Dallas, but beyond the forests his other passion was sports. Baseball was his true love. An avid Blue Jays fan, he celebrated team wins and dissected losses, always enjoying the opportunity to kibbitz with colleagues about the trials and tribulations of being a sports fan.

His presence will be missed on campus and in the community. He was often there when the loggersports team performed at local festivals and fairs and given his physical stature, he was hard to miss in a crowd. He knew a lot of people and kept in touch with friends and colleagues. For those who knew him well, they will miss his texts and chats and his sense of humour. Algonquin’s big lumberjack was a lot like Joe Mufferaw. He was bigger than life.

(Posted by Jamie Bramburger, Manager of Community and Student Affairs)


Go To College Week A Huge Success for the Waterfront Campus

To say the Pembroke Waterfront Campus was a busy place during what should have been a quiet break week would be an understatement. With most college students taking a week off (October 23 to 27) for studying or a mental health break, the campus hosted more than 600 high school students at a series of events that allowed the campus to show off its facilities and programming.

The week started with an Open House that attracted more than 400 senior high school students from across Renfrew and Pontiac Counties. In addition to taking a campus tour, the visiting students were able to participate in several interactive activities that including trying out heavy equipment simulators that are used in the Forestry Technician program, learning more about defence tactics in a demonstration led by faculty in the Police Foundations program and connecting with students in the Outdoor Adventure program who were highlighting their rock climbing skills.

Students also spent time with faculty learning more about the programs that they were interested in and they heard from current Algonquin College students about what they can expect when they move from high school to post-secondary education. The students were made aware that applications are now open for the Fall 2024 intake and that they should apply before February 1st to improve their chances of getting a seat in the program that meets their career goals.

By mid-week, the campus was teaming up with Junior Achievement for its World of Choices event. More than 125 high school students, most of them in grade ten, rotated around the gymnasium where they met with people from many sectors and learned about different career pathways such as radiation protection roles in the nuclear sector to nursing careers.

The campus closed the week by hosting its first Jill of All Trades experiential learning day for grade nine to twelve girls. This hands-on event gave the students a chance to try out careers in carpentry, electrical, computer systems technicians, arborist, forestry and radiation protection. About 100 students participated and they were supported by about 40 mentors, people who were already working in the field that they were exploring.

In between these high school student events, the campus also hosted some of Canada’s best known personalities at its annual Fall Business Leadership conference. Two Order of Canada recipients, Olympian skater Elizabeth Manley and Environment Canada’s Chief Climatologist David Phillips spoke at the conference which was well attended by local business people who came together for a day of professional development and networking.

So while college students took some time to re-charge their batteries and get ready for the final stretch of the Fall term, the campus was very busy connecting with prospective students and the business community. It was a great demonstration of how important the campus is to so many audiences who rely on the college to access education and training opportunities and in the case of the younger audience, to help them choose a career.

(Posted by Jamie Bramburger, Manager of Community and Student Affairs)



Former Olympian Elizabeth Manley Headlines Fall Business Leadership Conference

Some of Canada’s best-known media personalities will headline Algonquin College’s Fall Business Leadership conference on Thursday, October 26 at the Pembroke Waterfront Campus. Among the presenters will be former Olympic skating silver medalist Elizabeth Manley, Environment Canada’s Chief Climatologist David Phillips, and CTV National News military analyst, retired General David Fraser.

They will be joined by author and resiliency expert, Dr. Robyne Hanley Dafoe, who recently released her second book, entitled ‘Stress Wisely’. Hanley-Dafoe’s first book, ‘Calm Within the Storm’ was a practical guide to helping people face life’s day-to-day challenges. A well sought after speaker across North America, Hanley-Dafoe delivers a positive message about how people can cultivate resiliency to be successful in their personal lives and their careers.

Elizabeth Manley, former figure skaterIn the 1980’s and 1990’s, Elizabeth Manley was a household name, competing in skating competitions around the world. It was a high stress career, but Manley excelled despite the intense pressure to perform. Since retiring from skating, she has become an advocate for mental health and wellness. Her talk about mental health in the workplace will build on Manley’s personal struggles by offering recommendations from the lessons she has learned in life.

When it comes to the weather, there is no more recognizable face or voice than David Phillips. With thousands of interviews under his belt, Canada’s best known weather personality has been telling Canadian weather stories for more than 50 years. At the conference, Phillips will zero in on how the weather affects our workplace, including the impact of climate change.

During Canada’s difficult mission to Afghanistan, General David Fraser was on the front line of one of the country’s most difficult missions. Now retired, the CTV National News military analyst and author is speaking about leadership in the digital age. Fraser offers helpful tips to leaders to anticipate what’s coming next at a time when things are happening so fast, it is hard to keep up with the changes.

In addition to the keynotes addresses, conference attendees will be able to choose from several workshops on topics such as marketing, sales, promotions, creating safe spaces at work to allow failure to be improve performance and integrating newcomers into the workplace. Networking opportunities are built into the schedule for attendees who attend the conference on campus, but a virtual option will also be available to attend the conference. All of the presenters will be on campus and will deliver their session in person.

Algonquin College’s Manager of Community and Student Affairs, Jamie Bramburger, says the College started the conference several years ago and it has now become very popular. “We envisioned a big city conference being available to our local businesses where they could tap into timely and meaningful professional development at a reasonable cost. We’ve delivered on that promise by bringing in some of the biggest names in Canada to present on a variety of topics that affect the workplace,” says Bramburger.

Early bird registration rates of $240 plus taxes are in place until September 30. Registration includes four keynote addresses, a choice of attending two workshops and lunch. An after conference social is also being hosted by the college.

Nominations are also open for the business innovation award that is handed out each year at the conference. The award celebrates a business in Renfrew County that has created a unique approach that has led to better customer service, improved productivity or an innovative new product line.

The conference is being sponsored by Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation, Lanark-Renfrew Local Immigration Partnerships, the city of Pembroke, Lanark Renfrew Labour Market Working Group and Algonquin College Community Employment Services.

More information on the conference can be found on the college website at: