Testing Services

Testing Services

Note: HPAT is no longer required for the Practical Nursing program.

When you apply to a full-time program or want to register in certain continuing education courses at Algonquin College, you may be asked to take an admission-eligibility assessment. These assessments let you demonstrate your readiness and ability to succeed in the program you’ve chosen and make sure you’ve selected the right starting point at Algonquin. Our Testing Department offers proctoring services for students who need to write tests for colleges, universities and governing bodies. The college works with educational institutions from across Canada and is recognized as a designated testing centre for academic programs.

  • All pre-admission testing for Algonquin College Pembroke Campus programs
  • Pre-admission testing for other colleges in Ontario and beyond
  • Invigilation for Continuing Education courses, taken off Campus, through other colleges and universities (scheduled on a month-to-month basis)
  • Testing for corporations, insurance companies, etc.
  • Testing for the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

We have created a series of helpful videos to help guide you along the testing process.

Testing Services – 1. Booking Your Assessment

Testing Services – 2. Admissions Assessments

Testing Services – 3. Location

Testing Services – 4. Accuplacer Score

Admission Assessments

Admission assessments are being offered in-person or virtually through Meazure Learning. Read on for what you need to know about admission assessments.

What are Admission Assessments?

Who is Eligible?

Mature Student Status

What Programs have Admission Assessments?

What are the Fees and Payment Methods?

What if You Require Accommodations?

How to Book

Booking Your Assessment

Booking a Meazure Learning Assessment

Booking an Algonquin College Proctor Assessment

After You Book

Studying for Assessment Day

On Assessment Day

After Assessment Day and Rewriting

Proctor FAQs

Algonquin College Proctor

Meazure Learning Proctor

Additional Types of Assessments Available @ Pembroke Campus


Vince Dumouchel, Testing Services, Algonquin College, Pembroke CampusVince Dumouchel, Testing Services Coordinator
Phone: 613-735-4700 ext. 2742
Email: pembroketestcentre@algonquincollege.com
Anyone requiring testing of any kind can connect with Vince for information and bookings. The office is open on a part-time basis; please leave a voicemail message, and we will contact you asap.