Counselling Services

Counselling Services

Counselling Services provides professional and confidential support for mental health, personal, academic, and career concerns. Detailed information about services and appointments is available in the Counselling Services Guide.

Please note that Counselling Services is not a crisis response service, and is not for urgent or crisis situations. Please review the resource sections below for more immediate support options.

Counselling Services


  • Short-Term Counselling
  • Supportive Counselling
  • Wellness Coaching
  • Mental Health Consultation
  • Resource Referral

Services Not Available

  • Psychotherapy/Treatment: The counsellor can provide brief interventions and/or guidance with therapy and treatment options.
  • Clinical Assessment or Diagnosis: The counsellor can provide initial screening, psychosocial assessment, and consultation, and can assist you with navigating your options for psychodiagnostic assessment.
  • Urgent Crisis Services: Counselling Services is not a crisis response service. The counsellor can support you if you are experiencing a crisis but services are only available during working hours and immediate response and same-day/same-week support is not guaranteed. Please review the Crisis or Same-Day Support Resource sections below for more immediate support options.  


  • Tuesday and Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (on campus)
  • Wednesday: 12:00 p.m. t0 8:00 p.m. (remote)
  • Please review the Crisis or Same-Day Support Resource sections for more immediate support options


Shannon Sevigny, M.C., RP, CCC
Community and Student Affairs
Algonquin College Pembroke Waterfront Campus
613-735-4700 x 2804

Shannon is best reached by email. If you are looking for general information about the campus, programs, and/or supports, please call the general information line at 613-735-4700. 



  • Length: Appointments are scheduled for 30 minutes, unless otherwise discussed with the counsellor.
  • Location: On campus (Room 138)
  • Appointment Options: Telehealth (Zoom) appointments are also available
  • Referral: Students self-refer and must consent to all services
  • What to Expect: Please review the Counselling Services Guide for detailed information about sessions and preparing for appointments


  • Student self-book through an online booking system
  • Appointments can be booked up to 3 weeks in advance
  • Appointments must be booked at least 24 hours in advance
  • Same-day inquiries can be emailed directly to the counsellor
  • Weekly appointments are not available, unless otherwise discussed with the counsellor


  • Book here
  • You will receive an email containing your booking confirmation and information about and instructions for the appointment
  • If it is your first appointment, you will receive information about intake paperwork
  • If you are having difficulty with booking and/or the timing of appointments, please email the counsellor directly

Mental Health and Other Resources

Interested in learning more about the resources available to students? Review the
Mental Health Resources Guide for an overview of college and community supports.

Crisis Support Resources

Mental Health Crisis Line

CALL: 1-866-996-0991 (24/7)

9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline

CALL: 9-8-8 (24/7)

TEXT: 9-8-8 (24/7)


CALL: 1-866-925-5454 (24/7)

TEXT: “GOOD2TALKON” to 686868

Pembroke Regional Hospital Emergency Department

CALL: 613-732-2811

Other Crisis and Help Lines

Canadian Crisis and Help Lines


Regional Assault Care Program (24/7)



WSAC Renfrew County Crisis Line (24/7)



Bernadette McCann House Crisis Line (24/7)



Assaulted Women’s Helpline (24/7)



Male Survivors of Sexual Assault (24/7)



Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line (24/7)



Trans Lifeline (24/7)



Planned Parenthood

Options Line (Mon-Fri 10am-2pm)

613-226-3234 ex. 101

Hope for Wellness Helpline: for Canadian Indigenous People

1-855-242-3310 (24/7)

Hope for Wellness Chat

Same-Day or Same-Week Support Resources

Renfrew County E-Walk-In Clinic

The Renfrew County Collaborative E-Walk-In Counselling Clinic (WICC) has launched to provide children, youth, adults, and families with free, same-day access to single-session therapy, currently by video or phone.

The clinic is available every Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Please call on Thursdays to book a same-day appointment: 1-844-441-0981

Counselling Connect

Counselling Connect facilitates quick access to a free phone or video counselling session with an Ottawa-based therapist.

There is no waiting list, and you choose a convenient date and time. This is available to anyone in the Ottawa and surrounding area, including Renfrew County

The Walk-In Counselling Clinic

The Walk-In Counselling Clinic is made up of different counselling centres across Ottawa that offer free, same-day, walk-in and virtual counselling appointments.


CALL: 1-866-925-5454 (24/7)

TEXT: “GOOD2TALKON” to 686868

Counselling and Therapy Options

WeConnect Mental Health and Wellness Program

WeConnect – FREE for students with an eligible Student Health Plan

WES for Youth Online

WES for Youth Online – FREE for youth 13-24

Robbie Dean Family Counselling Centre

Robbie Dean Family Counselling Centre – FREE short-term counselling and groups

Provincially-Funded and Other Programs

Private Practice Therapists

Therapist Options – coming soon

Assessment, Diagnosis, and Referral Resources

Self-Help Resources and Links to Supports

Online Programs and Portals

WellTrack – sign up with your Algonquin College email account or use the code ALGONQUINCOLLEGE.


E-Couch Self-Help

Mental Health Support

Substance Use Support

The Umbrella Project: Information about safe use, peer support drop-in sessions and groups, and on and off campus resources.

Get Help with Substance Use


Sexual Violence Support

LGBTQ2S+ Support

Indigenous Student Support

Military Members, Veterans, and Family Support

Parenting Support

Student Support

International Student Support

Transition Resources

College and Campus Support Services

Practical Information and Resources

iCent app

Renfrew County Resources: Medical and Health Services; Family Services; Housing, Shelter, and Food Services; Legal and Financial Services; Employment and Career Services; Information and Referral Services 

Campus Services

211 Ontario Information and Referral Services

City of Pembroke

Government of Ontario

Government of Canada

Housing and Transportation

Financial Support

Employment Support

Health Resources

Mental Health Resources

keep.meSAFE Student Support Program: 24/7 mental health support for International students, with the largest network of culturally and linguistically-matched counsellors

WeConnect (International students can opt-in to the program)


Counselling Connect

WES for Youth Online

Multicultural Mental Health Resource Centre

Alone in Canada Guide

Social and Peer Support


Other Campus Mental Health and Wellness Resources

Indigenous Services

Group Counselling

Group Counselling is available through the Ottawa campus, currently being offered virtually. Different groups and workshops are available throughout the year.

Peer Support

Different Peer Support groups and drop-in sessions are available virtually throughout the year, and offer students a safe, non-judgmental space to talk or ask questions about mental health, stress and coping, substance use, sexual health, and sexual violence.

The JEDI Program is an opportunity for first-year students to connect with a second-year student for coaching, mentorship, and other support.

Health Services

Community Resources

Resources for Faculty and Staff