Own it! Problem Solving!

Problem Solving

Definition: When one seeks knowledge, opportunities, and the tools needed to be successful they are using problem-solving skills

“To identify your problems but give power to energy and solutions is to problem solve”

You can solve this problem. Own-it!

Problems, both big and small, happen every day to all of us – all the time. There are problems that we are assigned to work on for school, problems that continuously happen in our jobs, or unexpected problems that come up in our personal lives. Don’t run from problems – they have amazing speed and endurance, and always find a way of catching up to us again down the road.

Here are a few tips/resources to help figure out how to figure things out:

TedTalk – The Surprising Secret That Solves Your Problems

Essential Study Skills for Problem Solving

Tips for Tackling Problems

The Power of Believing that You Can Improve