MHFA Course Dates, Cost & Registration

Group of people from various backgrounds and different ages.This basic Mental Health First Aid course is recommended primarily for professionals who work in health or social agencies, human resources, community organizations, or school boards, etc.


We are pleased to announce that we are now offering the Mental Health First Aid course remotely in an online format that is easily accessible for students. The course is now 8 hours in length and requires students to complete 2 hours of online learning prior to participating in two additional 3-hour live ZOOM sessions. The sessions are also now available in person.

When students register in the course, they are given an access code to complete their two hours of online training, before enrolling in the live sessions. Students will be given access to the online learning module two weeks prior to the live sessions.

Course Cost:
The course costs $249.50 per person (includes HST and access code to online course content. Cost subject to change).

When are courses offered to the public?

Most courses are now delivered on Saturdays to accommodate the trainer schedule. Courses are scheduled based on demand and requests made by organizations and individuals.

How to Register:
When you have chosen a course date, print off and complete the Mental Health First Aid Registration Form. When you have completed the form, fax it to 613-735-8805. You may also scan the form and email it to Maria Orman at You can also register online.

IMPORTANT: Before registering, please read the following information:

  • Applicants will be registered on a first-come, first-served basis. If the course has filled for the date chosen, the organization will be contacted to select an alternate date.
  • Mental Health First Aid is a collaborative training program that includes the presentation of information by certified facilitators, role plays, videos, and group discussion.
  • Students must attend the entire 8-hour virtual course in order to receive a Mental Health First Aid Certificate from the Mental Health Commission of Canada.
  • Algonquin College reserves the right to postpone training if there are insufficient registrants.
  • Students who register online using our Eventbrite registration option are subject to paying the Eventbrite processing fee.

If you are not affiliated with a professional organization and are interested in taking a Mental Health First Aid training course, please contact Jamie Bramburger, Manager of Community & Student Affairs: 613-735-4700, ext. 2756 or email him at