With accountability to the Dean’s Management Committee (DMC), the Pembroke IDEA Committee has a mandate to:
- Identify any challenges that may exist to creating a culture of inclusivity and respect and inform DMC of those challenges
- Propose to DMC actions that should be taken to address challenges and/or to promote a more inclusive campus
- Propose and support activities that would promote a culture of inclusivity and respect
- Serve as champions for inclusivity on the Pembroke Campus
The Dean’s office will issue a call for staff and faculty volunteers once per year in September, and for student volunteers three times per year in September, January, and May. Membership aims to be representative of the diversity of the Pembroke campus, within the following membership categories:
- Committee Chair
- Student representatives (up to four)
- Faculty representatives (up to three)
- Support staff representatives (up to three)
- Indigenous Representation from the local Indigenous Community
- Alumni representative
- Administrative support from Dean’s Office (non-voting)
Participation on the Committee is voluntary. If there are more volunteers than positions available, the Dean’s Management Committee will select the representatives.

The Pembroke IDEA Committee operating term runs from October 1st – September 30th. The Committee is mandated to meet at least once per academic semester, but generally meets once per month. Student volunteers must commit to a minimum of one semester’s tenure on the Committee; faculty and staff must commit to a minimum of three semesters.
Committee members are expected to attend each meeting. Missing three meetings in a single operating term is grounds for removal from the Committee by the Chair. See the Committee Terms of Reference for further information.
- Receives and discusses feedback from the campus community.
- Identifies areas where inclusion, diversity, equity, or accessibility can be improved.
- Recommends actions to the Dean’s Management Committee (DMC).
Note that it is the DMC who decides which recommended actions to implement, and whether they are implemented by the IDEA committee or via another channel. No changes are implemented on campus without the endorsement and approval of the DMC.
There are so many ways to contribute to a culture of inclusion and diversity, including but not limited to:
- Watch for calls to join the Committee
- Provide feedback to the Committee (even anonymous feedback is useful!)
- Start a club
- Lend an ear to someone who needs it
- Keep an open mind
- Learn about a new culture or way of life
- Be a friend
- Speak up
- Call out discrimination or toxic behaviour
- Be an advocate for equity
- Be an advocate for change