Parents’ FAQ

Top Ten Questions We Get Asked by Parents

AMNA private student residence - dorm roomDoes the college have a student residence?
The Waterfront Campus does not have a student residence; however, there are privately owned and operated student residences within walking distance of the campus. The Campus has a housing list that provides information on the residences and other accommodations available in the broader community for students. The College does not make recommendations on what housing a family should consider. Whether to enter into a rental agreement with a landlord is solely the responsibility of students and their families.

Do college graduates find work upon graduation?
Yes, our graduates find employment. For some graduates, finding their first job within their career may take a bit longer, but statistics show that students who study at Algonquin College have excellent results in securing employment. Many factors impact whether a graduate finds employment within their field of study. This includes labour market conditions, their willingness to relocate where jobs are available, and how aggressively they pursue career opportunities. Many college graduates also enhance their employability by using articulation agreements to earn university degrees. Please see the most recent Algonquin College Graduation Employment report.

Do most students work while they are in school?
A lot of students work part-time while they are in college. For many students, this is a good way to generate some funds to help pay for their educational expenses or social activities, but there is a danger that working too much can negatively affect their academic studies. The College offers free Employment Preparation support through its Student Services Department. The College also offers some on-campus employment opportunities and a job posting board for positions available in the community.

Is there a public transit system in Pembroke?
Pembroke City Council approved the launch of a 3-year pilot project for an on-demand public transit system. The service will begin in the summer of 2025. More details will be posted here as they develop.

The service schedule is as follows:

  • Monday to Wednesday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Thursday and Friday: 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  • Saturdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Sundays: No service

Is there bus service to get to and from Pembroke?
Yes, Ontario Northland does serve Pembroke and has connections to many larger communities such as Toronto, Ottawa, and Northern Ontario. The bus stop is at the Giant Tiger store in downtown Pembroke, a short walk from the Waterfront Campus. Bus schedules and the cost of fares are posted at the Giant Tiger store.

View of the Pembroke Boardwalk on a sunny summer dayIs Pembroke a safe community?
Pembroke is a small community of about 14,000 people and is considered a safe community. The Waterfront Campus has security guards on campus during the day and evening, as well as on weekends when the campus is open. The campus also has several security cameras inside the campus and on the campus grounds. As is the case in any community, students are encouraged not to walk alone when leaving the college after dark. Pembroke is served by the Ontario Provincial Police. Here are some additional helpful resources:

Does the Campus offer a meal plan?
The Waterfront Campus does not offer students a meal plan, but students can load money onto their student card. The card can be swiped at the cafeteria, with additional funds being put onto the card as the balance drops. See Card Services website to learn more.

Do students need to have a laptop computer?
Almost all of our students have a laptop computer or a mobile device that allows them to access their college work wherever they are. Many of our programs require students to have a mobile device as part of their program of study. The College uses a digital platform known as Brightspace to post learning resources, grades, due dates, etc., for students. Many programs also have eTextbooks, meaning students need access to an electronic device to access their textbooks.

Can students get credit for their college courses if they decide to go to university?
Yes, in many cases, students who complete a college program will receive advanced standing in a university program where the college has an articulation agreement with the university. To qualify for advanced standing in a university program, students must have a high academic standing in their college studies. A full list of articulation agreements between programs offered at Algonquin College’s Pembroke and Canadian universities is available on the college website.