Centre for Accessible Learning

Working together for accessible learning

The Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) is committed to ensuring our students have equal access at Algonquin College. We hope that you take advantage of our excellent services and supports. CAL provides academic accommodations and educational support services for students who have permanent and/or temporary disabilities.

With more than ten percent of the student population registering for services, our goal is to provide the necessary accommodations to equalize the opportunity for students to meet their essential course or program requirements.

Additionally, interim accommodations may be provided to students who are in the process of being assessed for a disability. Services are confidential, free and voluntary. Students are, however, required to self-identify in order to access services. We are mandated by the Human Rights Commission’s Guidelines for Accommodating Persons with Disabilities, the Ontario Human Rights Code and Algonquin College Policy AC01.

How to register with CAL

Preparing for Your First Appointment

Understand How Your Information is Kept Confidential

After Your First Appointment

Your Team – Services Available

Student Information: CAL Test Services

Please review the information below to learn which services are currently offered by CAL Test Services and for recommendations for arranging for test accommodations.

Resources: CAL Test Booking Instructions

What is CAL Test Services?

What are the deadlines to book tests with CAL Test Services?

How do I book a test/exam with CAL Test Services?

What happens after the test/exam has been booked?

Can professors provide testing accommodations in the classroom?

How do I access Assistive Technology for testing?

How do I access my Letter of Accommodation (LOA)?

How do I contact the other CAL services?

What do I do if I’ve missed the test/final exam deadline?

What if the test/exam is not supervised, do I still need to book with CAL Test Services?

What do I do if I have a conflict with a test/exam?

How can I cancel my test/exam booking?

Additional Resources:

Faculty Information: CAL Test Services

Please review the information below to learn which services are currently offered by CAL Test Services and for recommendations for arranging for test accommodations.

Resources: Guide to Approving a Test/Exam Booking for Faculty

What is CAL Test Services?

What if the test/exam is not supervised, do students still need to book with CAL Test Services?

What are the deadlines to book tests/exams with CAL Test Services?

How do students book a test/exam with CAL Test Services?

What are the next steps once a test/exam has been booked with CAL Test Services?

Can I book tests/exams on the student’s behalf?

How do I approve and complete an online test booking request?

How will I know what accommodations need to be provided for Brightspace?

Who is responsible for Assistive Technology testing accommodations?

Can I provide testing accommodations in the virtual classroom?

What testing accommodation features are available in Brightspace?

How and when should I pick up and deliver my paper-based tests/exams to CAL Test Services?

How can I cancel there test/exam booking?

For more information please contact:

Centre for Accessible Learning
Email: calpembroke@algonquincollege.com
Phone: 613-735-4700 Ext. 2665