Why Local?

Pembroke's Waterfront Campus at dusk, exterior viewWhy A Local Conference?

Every year, local businesses spend thousands of dollars sending their staff to big cities like Toronto and Ottawa to access professional development training. To secure this training, they also pay big city prices. High registration fees, costly hotels, rental vehicles, per diems for meals, parking bills and other incidental costs could be avoided if more businesses bought local.

Following on the success of our previous spring conferences, Algonquin College is pleased to present its 10th Annual Business and Leadership Conference for area businesses on Thursday, October 24, 2024, in a hybrid format that allows attendees to come on campus or join the conference from their comfort or their home or office. The College promises another “big city” conference with excellent presentations and plenty of takeaways to support your career development and your business operations.

Check out the Workshop Descriptions and Presenter Profiles here.

Conference presented by Algonquin College, Pembroke Campus, and our co-sponsors:

Fall Business Conference 2023 Sponsors