Academic Upgrading – Pembroke Campus

Academic Upgrading
Your destination for preparing for college or the workplace!

The Academic Upgrading program is an opportunity for learners to improve their skills to get ready for college, new employment opportunities or for everyday life. The program offers the Academic and Career Entrance Certificate that acts as a high school equivalency to allow you to apply to Ontario Colleges.

We offer monthly starts for Math, English and Computers and yearly entrance into science classes including Biology and Chemistry and the Success Strategies course that focuses on college or employment success. Courses are offered in a work at your own pace style to help you meet your goals.

Learn More About the Program

Click the + buttons below on any topic you want to read more about. If you feel the program is right for you, scroll down to the contact form to let us know you are interested!

What can Academic Upgrading help me do?

Our program can help you to: 

  • Achieve your High School Equivalency through our ACE Certificate to add to your college application, put on your resume or prepare for an apprenticeship 
  • To take individual courses you need for admission requirements for a college program  
  • Build skills, brush up or gain confidence for work, school or personal reasons 
  • Our program can be used to prepare for a Mature Student Test, the HPAT Test  
  • Our program can be used by Military applicants or current members for course updating or preparation to apply to specific Military trades or to take aptitude testing (commonly, Gr 10 math) 

Is Academic Upgrading right for me?

You are eligible for tuition funding if you are: 

  • 19 years of age or older (younger, please contact for more information) 
  • An Ontario resident 
  • Working at a grade 10 English level (we will assess for this – it is alright if you are unsure) 
  • Our program works with students living in Renfrew County, Ontario
  • Our program can sometimes support learners who are wanting to go to University, please contact us with your goals to see if we fit

What courses are available and when?

Monthly start dates from September-June
Computer Skills
for entering college, work or increasing confidence

English (Communications)
– for confidence, workplace, college preparation, mature student preparation and some university pathways

– for confidence, workplace, college preparation, mature student preparation and some university pathways

Offered once a year:
– usually runs in the winter semester
– This course is accepted as the biology prerequisite for programs in the college system, including the two-year Ontario College Diploma in Practical Nursing.

– usually runs in the spring semester
– This course is accepted as the chemistry prerequisite for programs in the college system, including the two year Ontario College Diploma in Practical Nursing or Applied Nuclear Science and Radiation Safety.  
– *To come into the science courses, your English score has to be higher than other courses to ensure you will feel confident. We encourage you to reach out early to give yourself time to improve your English if needed. 

Success Strategies
– usually runs in the spring semester

Want to read more? Course descriptions can be found here:

When and how would I attend classes?

  • Our Math, English and Computers courses are offered in a flexible model with due dates and regular attendance mandatory
  • Options of Zoom or in-person attendance
  • Class times include morning, afternoon and evening options to accommodate different work schedules
  • Biology and Chemistry have set class times that you need to be available to attend for live teaching

How long does it take?

  • Our program can take between 3 months to 2 years depending on your goals, how many courses you need, your strengths coming into our courses and how much time you have to work on your studies.  
  • On average, students who need their full ACE Certificate (Gr 12 College Prep English, Gr 11 College Prep Math, Computers and an elective) take at least a year to complete this goal  
  • Our program can be used to prepare for a Mature Student Test, the HPAT Test or in combination with taking these tests – you can use as much time as you have towards this goal

Check out our Written Student Experiences

Kristen Raper’s Story- Preparing for Pre-Health Sciences

Au Student WorkingLearning in a Virtual World: The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly changed the way curriculum is delivered to college students, but for some students moving to a remote learning environment has provided them with more flexibility than they have ever had. Kristen Raper is enjoying her virtual learning experience in Algonquin College’s Academic Upgrading program as she prepares to join the Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees program this fall, a stepping stone to becoming an X-Ray or MRI technician in the health care field.

“The adjustment from campus learning to remote learning was easier for me. I can work on assignments and class work at whatever time works for me. There are also scheduled times when the teacher is in the Zoom meeting when it is just like being in class on campus,” says Raper.

It is not the first time Raper has attended college. In 2013 she graduated from a Police Foundations program, but health issues prevented her from pursuing a career in law enforcement. As she thought about her next steps, she began searching online for new career pathways. That’s when she discovered the Academic Upgrading program, a college preparation program that is free to most Ontario residents.

Raper had been working in the fast-food industry but knew she wanted to do more with her career. She enrolled in Academic Upgrading and found the learning environment to be very supportive and the faculty very encouraging.

“The best part of academic upgrading is the guidance that the teachers give you to help you succeed in the program. It is definitely worth taking,” says Raper who is hoping to enroll in the College’s Medical Radiation Technology program in the Fall of 2021. For now, her focus is on completing her academic upgrading courses as she looks forward to continuing her educational journey in September at the Pembroke Campus.


Dawn Andrew’s Story- Preparing for Office Administration- Executive

Au Student Dawn“My world came crashing down on me on January 2, 2018 when my doctor advised me to leave my job of 17 years because of injuries that were impeding my recovery. The demands of the fast food service industry had taken its toll and I could no longer do that type of work. That’s when Academic Upgrading (AU) and Second Career gave me a second chance. Being out of high school for 28 years and spending 30 years in the fast food industry left me with great people skills, but lacking the technical skills I needed. The jobs I was qualified for I could no longer do, and the jobs I was able to do, I wasn’t qualified for. Talk about a catch-22!

I met with an employment counsellor at Algonquin College Community Employment Services and that’s when my life changed. I began Academic Upgrading at Algonquin College, Pembroke and realized, wow, maybe I can do this. I was informed about Second Career and I started the application process. I was approved on July 30, 2018. I am now in the third semester of the Office Administrative-Executive program and I love it.

AU gave me the confidence and skills I needed to prepare for that next step and I would recommend it to everyone, even students fresh out of high school. Without it, I would not be where I am today. I am thankful everyday for this opportunity I’ve been given. I have been awarded a great gift and I don’t have words powerful enough to express my gratitude. What I do know, is when I get to graduation and I am handed my diploma it will be one of the happiest days of my life. Thank-you AU, the staff at Algonquin College, my employment counsellor, and Second Career for making my journey possible. I feel as though I have won the lottery and none of this would have been possible without you.”

-Dawn Andrews, mature student and Office Administration – Executive graduate


Tevis Gonyou-McLean’s Story- Preparing for Pre-service Firefighting

“I have my high school diploma, but just barely.In order to be accepted into my program of choice, I needed a way to boost my current marks and complete courses I did not have such as chemistry and math. Academic Upgrading was my golden ticket. I met Melanie Burton, the program coordinator for Academic Upgrading at the Pembroke campus, and received a date for orientation — the first step towards my dream. Walking into the college on that first day, I will not lie, I was nervous— but also determined.”AU Student Tevis

“I showed up, did the work and asked questions. Finally, the time came in the year for me to apply for the Pre-Service Firefighter Program. My hard work was paying off. I started receiving letters from different colleges — but I was waiting for Algonquin College. When I finally received the letter, opened it and read ‘You’re in,’ I was the happiest person on planet earth.Things took a sudden and unexpected turn when the first of the COVID-19 lockdowns happened. I received a letter stating that my program was postponed. At first, I was discouraged. However, I believe everything happens for a reason and knew that this could be an opportunity to be more prepared when the college opens up the program again. I joined the Youth Job Connection Program to find work that would allow me to stay active, interact with coworkers and practice customer service. And I continued to work on my ACE Certificate to increase my fall program options. I would like to thank the Academic Upgrading staff. You supported me in my dreams of being accepted into the Pre-Service Firefighter Program, and helped me make this dream a reality. I would also like to thank Algonquin College for facilitating such a wonderful program, and look forward to continuing my education with you.”

Academic Upgrading for the Military Community

As you will read in the other sections, the Academic Upgrading program is a flexible, mature learning environment that can work with you during active service and has experience supporting those transitioning to veteran. It also has the flexibility a spouse may need to do their learning around childcare and work needs.

We also offer two courses that are tailored to the Military Community based on funding. Read more about the courses.

If you are interested in the Success Strategies for Military Spouses, please use this form to put yourself on the waitlist. 

If you are interested in the CAF to College Course, please use this form to put yourself on the waitlist.

When you reach out to us, please indicate your status so we can provide you with our new CAF to College resource book and additional connections to resources both within and outside our college community.

Contact us and Register

Registration for Academic Upgrading.

Contact us if you have any questions.

Contact our Program Coordinator directly with questions

Contact Melanie Burton at or call 613-735-4700 ext. 2764

Preparing for the Program

Technology Requirements

  • This PDF will let you know the Computer Requirements for our program, where to purchase technology options and low-cost and free local Wifi.  
  • Note – you are able to access our on campus computers on a regular basis and do not have to purchase if you plan to attend in person 

Locate your SIN Number

  • You will require your Social Insurance Number (SIN) for your forms 
  • You can find this at home on: 
  • Your SIN Card 
  • Your SIN Slip of paper from Service Canada 
  • Your Tax Return Documents, RRSP or Employment Records 
  • If you cannot find it, this website will give you more information:

Meet your Professors

Click here to meet your professors!

Academic Upgrading Current Student Resources

Training Support Form

If you are a current student of the Academic Upgrading Program and are in need Financial Support for Travel, Technology or Childcare – you can fill in this form to have your eligibility assessed for funding.  

 Click Here for Training Support Form.

Student Leave Request Form

  • If you are a current student who needs to request a leave from the program, you can do so using the form below. Leave requests can be done for between 1-3 weeks and used for life events such as vacation, surgery/illness, work schedule changes, moving etc.  
  • For short-term concerns such as sickness day of class, email your professor to let them know of your absence.  
  • For longer-term concerns lasting longer than 3 weeks, reach out to your Program Coordinator for guidance.  

Click Here for Student Leave Form.

Student Exit Form

If you are ready to entirely leave the program, you can use this form to do so. 
After completing it, please e-mail your Program Coordinator at  

Click here for the student leave form.

Employment Ontario Wordmark

This Employment Ontario Service is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.